Page 66 of King of Clubs

And the most fucked up thing of all?



No...I take that back.

I fuckinglovedknowing the extent of just how far Ransom’s brutal, unhinged passion could go when it came to protecting me. I could feel it in the lingering ache in my core, the slippery heat that he’d left behind, the proof of his affection that was now slowly trickling down my thighs...reminding me just how little self-control he had when it came to me.

In a possessive move that turned me on all over again, Ransom ordered the Tweedles to find out the Red Queen’s ETA. Then he took my arm and pulled me close. He led me down the hall until we found the nearest elevator and went straight to his room.

Granted, we hadn’t known each other that long, but I’d never seen him like this before.

Was he furious?



In a way, I guess...

No, this was peak mafia devil-daddy realness, and his focus was strictly on dealing with shit that needed to be done.

He paced back and forth on the black and gold tile floors, distracted by his thoughts.

Suddenly he stopped and stared directly at me.

“Fuck. I never asked if you were alright.” He curled his hand into a fist, his gold pinky ring catching on the light. “Areyou alright?”

I blinked, not knowing how to respond.

“Uhhh...can I get back to you on that? I need some time to process everything.”

“There’s no time,” he said sharply, walking over to me. “What do you want? What do you need? A blanket? Tea? Wine?”

I studied his face carefully, amazed that murdering my attackers with his bare hands didn’t seem like enough to him.

“I wouldn’t mind a long, hot shower, but I suppose there’s no time for that, either.”

Ransom shook his head, his expression severe.

I gave a hopeless shrug.

“Wine’s good...although...”


I felt my face heat up with a blush of embarrassment, and I didn’t understand why. Why should I feel embarrassed when Ransom had fucked me with a giant strawberry? He’d made me squirt all over him until I ruined his suit. He’d fucked me in a pool of blood. He’d stuffed my ass with whimsy whirls, yet somehow, I felt too embarrassed to tell him what I wanted right now?


Was it too vanilla? Too immature? Too innocent?

“Use your words, Alice. I can’t read your mind like Chess can.”

I looked down at the floor, struggling to find my voice.

Just say it, I thought.Just make the sounds with your mouth hole and get it out there. However he reacts will say more about him than it will about you. You got this.