Page 10 of King of Clubs

“Cool story, bro. You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know.” She crossed her arms over her chest. I watched as her long blonde hair clung to her wet tits, going almost transparent in the water.

“That was the plan from the second I showed up in Wonderland. I was supposed to go to the White Queen’s castle and train with the White Knight, but obviously you decided you had a better plan.”

“Idohave a better plan. Obviously.”

“Well? What is it?”

“It’s not all that different from your original plan.”

Alice arched a brow at me, not bothering to hide her scowl. “Then why the fuck did you drag me here?”

“You weren’t dragged,” I corrected. “You were carried.”

“’s just semantics,” she mocked.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

Such fire.

Such insolence.

It took everything I had not to grab Alice by the collar and fuck the sneer off her lips. My demon blood began to simmer with arousal.

First day or not, she was definitely going to get herself punished again before the day was done. She had no idea what she was in for.

I couldn’t wait.

“What makes you think you’ll be any better at training me than the White Knight?” she demanded.

“I’ll be the first to tell you that the White Knight is the best sword fighter in all of Wonderland,” I explained, still imagining how her lips would look stretched around my cock. “Unfortunately, you’ll need more education than he alone can provide.”

I leaned forward, pinning her with my gaze as I coiled the extra slack of her leash around my hand. I’d learned the hard way that if you give a brat an inch, they’ll take a kingdom.

"You’ve seen but a fraction of the horrors in this place. Did Chess and Hatter explain to you that Wonderland goes through seasons of tyrannical Red Queens and her Jabberwockies?”


“And did they tell you that it’s always a different Alice who come to save us?”

“Yeah. It doesn’t make sense why it has to be an Alice, but whatever.”

“There are many complications from you arriving as a grown woman rather than a child,” I continued. My gaze drifted down to her breasts, which were floating in the water, before returning to look her in the eye.

“One of those complications is the fact that the Red Queen has had all that extra time to become more powerful. She’s more wicked and more evil than ever before in the history of Wonderland. The Jabberwocky is a demonic representation of all the darkness in her heart. And now that demon is larger and more terrifying than it’s ever been.”

Intrigued by this, Alice tilted her head to one side. “How do I know if you’re lying?”

“I can show you what the Red Queen’s evil looks like in its current form, if you wish." I waved my hand through the air, summoning an image out of the giant mirror across the room.

The balmy air around us shimmered as scenes of suffering appeared.

Subjects of the Red Queen, abused and oppressed.

An old woman beaten for not working fast enough.

A child’s body dangling from the gallows, his only crime was stealing bread to feed his bedridden grandfather.

Villages were burned and pillaged by the Queen’s soldiers.