Page 11 of King of Clubs

Alice watched in disbelief as the scenes of suffering shifted to public executions. Nobles and commoners alike were beheaded on the Queen’s order for the most minor of offenses.

An elderly lord came to court in a pair of shoes she didn’t like.

A young handmaiden giggled too loudly.

Their heads rolled as the crowd screamed.

The final vision showed a man—the Red King, placing a rose on his wife’s bedside table. The Red Queen flew into a full-on rage as she realized her precious morning rose was not red, but a bright shade of pink.

A shriek tore from Alice’s throat as an enormous dragon-like creature materialized in front of the king, roaring and snapping its powerful jaws.

The Jabberwocky.

It leapt out of the Red Queen’s chest and lashed out at the king. His limbs were ripped off one by one, until finally his shrieking head was eaten. His body disappeared in seconds. Only a thick puddle of red remained on the rug where he’d once stood.

All because he’d given the Red Queen the wrong color rose.

Then the Jabberwocky turned to us.

Venom-laced saliva dripped from rows of razor-sharp teeth, its eyes glowing red with uncontrolled rage and bloodlust.

Claws scraped against the bathroom tiles as it charged straight for me and Alice, who now cowered behind me, clinging to me for protection. I dispelled the illusion just before the monster attacked, leaving her trembling in the aftermath.

I glanced over my shoulder at her terrified expression.

“Still think I’m lying?” I asked softly.

She swallowed hard and shook her head before letting go of me.

"Good. Believe it or not, Alice, I’m trying to help you save Wonderland. The Red Queen is a monster. Her Jabberwocky will tear you to shreds without the proper skills and knowledge to face it. The Vorpal Sword must be used for the death blow...but as you can see, you aren’t going to simply walk up to a demon like that and pierce its heart. You need training beyond how to wield a sword. You’ll need mental fortitude, endurance, and patience. You’ll need to know how to lead an army.”

Alice blinked in stunned silence.

“I don’t have what it takes to deal with...withthat!”

“I know,” I replied grimly. “But with the right training, you will.”

She looked up at me, eyes dark with worry. “If I kill the Jabberwocky, will it make the queen weaker?”

“Yes. Perhaps it will even open a path to remove her from power entirely." I lifted Alice’s chin, chiding myself for nearly giving away the plan Callister and I had come up with. Alice didn’t need to know everything. Not yet. "You want to help these poor people of Wonderland, don’t you, bunny?”

She nodded hesitantly.

“That’s my good little pet.” I smiled, letting my thumb brush over her lower lip. “Keep it up, and you’ll be trained in no time.”

Alice gave an obedient, understanding nod.

“When do we start training?”

My mouth curled into a knowing grin. I jiggled the leash enough for her to feel it move against her collar.

“We’ve already begun. So far, I’m unimpressed with what you know. But you’ll learn.”

I conjured a soft sea sponge and a bar of soap, placing them on the water’s edge.

“You reek of Chess and Hatter." I shook my head in disapproval. "I won’t have their scent lingering all over my pet bunny while she’s in training. Wash it off.”

“I thought those guys were your friends,” she replied, eyeing me suspiciously.