Page 37 of Heartless Beloved

“Same. Come, let’s find Peach and Ella.”

I turn around, so sure they were behind me. “I don’t know when I lost them.”

“S’alright.” He takes my hand and drags me through the house.

“Hey, do you know what antipode means?” Without waiting a second, I tell him the answer. “It’s a point on earth that’s diametrically opposite to another. Did you know Bermuda is antipodal to parts of Australia, mate?”

He bursts out laughing at my failed Australian accent. “I missed your definitions over the summer, Alex.”

Crowds of different Greek houses are mixing in all the rooms and the heat is almost unbearable. It’s so hot in here that I feel my hairline dampening. It smells of alcohol, sweat, and fun.Pursuit of Happinessby Kid Cudi rings from the speakers, and everyone starts cheering and singing to the song.

As soon as we find my two best friends with Wren, Chester and I start dancing with them. Our drunk bodies all hit against each other, and I can’t stop wrapping my arms around them and telling them how much I love them. We were a tight group at Stoneview Prep. Those four people were with me when I recovered from the kidnapping. They held my hand through police inquiries, panic attacks, and sleepless nights, and I couldn’t ask for a better start to college for the four of us.

A couple of songs later, the girls and I decide to head outside for some fresh air. We’ve had a few drinks, so we all stumble into the backyard together.

“Guys, guys, guys,” I pant as we all sit on a bench. “I have to tell you something.”

“This better be juicy. You’ve got your spilling tea voice on.” Ella holds her hands out as if holding a cup of tea and a saucer, and Peach pretends to pour some in before Ella mimes tasting it. “Yum.”

I burst into laughter, needing a few seconds to calm myself. “I know I’m only saying this because I’m drunk. But remember how I told you that guy from the North Shore basically rescued me and brought me back here on moving day?”

“Uh-huh,” Peach nods. “You said he was hot.”

“So hot,” I nod. “I can’t stop thinking about him. I keep dreaming of when we met, replaying the moment in my head. And last night…last night I dreamed we had sex.”

“What?” Ella shrieks. “Is this baby girl dreaming naughty things with a bad boy from the North Shore?”

Peach takes my hand and kisses the back of it. “This cutie is going to lose her virginity this year.”

“Stop it,” I laugh. “He’s just so…rough.”

“Rough?” Ella giggles.

“Yes,” I nod. “I think I like rough. Like, holding you by the neck and fucking you hard, kind of rough.”

“Oh my God,” Peach cries out in laughter. “Who are you, and what have you done to Alex? Girl, you used to date Chester.Chester. He’s like a little Easter chocolate bunny. That’s how fucking sweet he is. You’ve never done anything with him, or anyone, and you’re now telling us you think you like it rough because some guy from the North Shore drove you back here on the day your car got stolen. I can’t…I fucking love you. You’re the best.”

“I get it,” Ella nods repeatedly. So much so that her face becomes blurry to my drunken eyes. “I like it rough too. I like a man who can take control. I like it even better when he’s older and knows what he wants.”

“Please, kill me now.” Peach pretends to bring a gun to her temple and shoots. She even pops her tongue out and fakes to be dead.

“Oh, shut up, Miss Badass,” I fight back. “Wren basically has you on a leash.”

“Wren and I aren’t even dating,” she snaps back. “And we will never date. He’s a controlling little shit, and I would fight him every step of the way.”

“He’s hot, though.”

“So hot,” I agree with Ella.

“He treats women like shit. Wake the fuck up.”

“I’d let Wren treat me like shit,” I admit.

“Sadly, he only has eyes for Peach,” Ella sighs dramatically.

“He doesnot,” she chuckles, but I can see the slight tint on her cheeks, illuminated by the yard’s fairy lights.

A group of people spill out from the house into the backyard and I shake my head, my eyes betraying me.