Page 38 of Heartless Beloved

“What the hell?” I sit up and glance at the patio where he sits down with two girls and another guy. One of the girls is Harper.

“What’s up?” Peach says, her head resting on the back of the bench we’re sitting on as she looks at the stars.

“Here’s here. Th-the guy who rescued me.”

Peach snorts. “TheNorth Shoreguy is at our SFU party? No more drinking for you.”

“I swear.” I gasp as the realization hits me. “I’m not being a drunk idiot. I recognize the tattoo on his neck.”

It’s the tattoo of a Fatma hand that I saw when he was driving me, and I couldn’t stop looking at him. It’s big enough that I can see it from where we’re sitting.

“What?” Ella yelps at the same time as Peach’s head snaps back up. “Where?”

“Right there, on the patio. The guy with the dark hair and the black hoodie who’s lighting up a cigarette. That’s him,” I say with excitement.

What are the chances? What is he even doing at an SFU frat party, and how did he get in?

“Xi?” Ella chokes, shock ringing in her voice. “Your North Shore savior that you can’t stop dreaming of isXi?”



No Romeo - Dylan

“Xi?” I repeat.

“Yeah, it’s pronouncedZi,and he spells it X. I.”

I guess that must be his nickname. He said his name was Ziad.

“Alex, how have you never heard of Xi?” Peach facepalms herself.

“I feel like you’re going to tell me something bad about him, and I’m not sure I’m ready to hear it, honestly.” I pout and look at Peach then Ella. “Please don’t crush my dream.”

“He’s a fuckboy, Alex,” Peach says without mercy. “He’s the fucking worst, and no one gives him shit for it because he always fucks the catty bitches from Stoneview who want to try a bad boy before they go back to their rich boyfriends. They deserve him, and he deserves them.”

“And he’s so rude and moody,” Ella adds. “It’s impossible to have a conversation with him unless he wants to fuck you. Even then, I’m pretty sure he puts the minimum effort into getting girls in his bed.”

My heart drops in my stomach, disappointment weighing heavy on my shoulders. “He was really nice to me,” I murmur. I guess he wasn’tnice, but he did rescue me.

“Of course he was nice. Have you seen yourself? He one hundred percent wanted to fuck you,” Peach keeps going with her typical bluntness.

“How do you guys even know him?”

“I met him at a North Shore party,” Ella shrugs. My eyes widen and she hurries to add, “I didn’t sleep with him. I think I was a little too nice for him. He’s into therealStoneview girls, you know? Like Camila Diaz and her clique.”

Camila was a senior when we were freshmen. She was the queen of Stoneview Prep and perpetuated the culture of only one queen bee and everyone else must love her or have a dreadful time through high school. She indeed was a bitch, though she seems to have changed since then. She’s the president of Xi Epsilon now, and she was kind and welcoming during rush week.

“Or like Harper,” Peach agrees as we all stare at the way Harper settles on Xi’s lap.

“Harper is not a Stoneview bitch,” I say.

I gaze at my friends, their pointed looks saying it all. “She’s super nice,” I defend.

“Alex,” Peach huffs. “You are too naïve for this world. Everyone is nice during rush week. Wait for initiations and see how she really is.”

Her words twist my stomach, but I ignore them. Peach is a pessimist. It makes her strong and prepared for anything, but she also lacks dreams and passion.