Page 164 of Heartless Beloved

“I’m not.”

“You’re going to a birthday dinner in Stoneview with the daughter of a senator. You’re more than out of your comfort zone,” Tamar backs her up as she fiddles with the tie again.

“You’re in theanyone-could-arrest-you-at-any-timezone.” Zara’s laugh is cut short when I fling the phone at her.

Tamar takes a deep breath and locks her brown eyes with mine. “Don’t stress,” she tells me calmly. “Remember who you’re doing it for.”

I have to wipe a hand against my mouth to hide the smile that’s forcing its way onto my face.

I hate the suit. I hate the people I’m going to see. I’ve committed enough crimes in that town that anyone recognizing me could put me straight in jail.

But Alex is worth it.

Fuck, she’s worth everything. Even the headache of leaving NSC.

“Is that a smile?” Tamar squeaks.

“No,” I scowl.

“He smiles thinking of her,” she adds, beaming. “Oh, we’re fucked.”

“Shut up.”

“It’s done, my big grumpy friend.”


“Your tie.” She points at my neck. “Done. Can you breathe okay?”

I nod. My chest is warm, the tip of my fingers tingling, knowing I’ll be touching Alex’s soft skin soon.

“Alright, you should get going so you can be there right on time and not Xi time.”

I glance in the mirror one last time. I don’t look like myself. My hair is gelled, so there’s no stray strand trying to get in the way of the perfect image I’m giving right now. The suit is a little too tight, but all it does is highlight my prominent shoulders and my strong arms. I shaved my five o’clock shadow and my jaw seems sharper.

Zara’s face appears behind me. “I never thought I’d use this word to describe you, but you look handsome.”

“Don’t fall in love, I’m taken.”

“Boohoo, the man-whore is taken.”

“Xi,go,” Tamar jumps back in.

We head to the front door and Zara leaves with me. “I’ll walk with you. My car is parked near yours.”

Tamar’s street is the definition of overpopulated, and we both had to park down a nearby, quiet road.

“Have fun, Xi,” Tamar smiles. “Use protection.”

“Okay, I’m out.” I close the door in her face and start walking with Zara.

“It’s really fucking weird that you’re going to a birthday party in Stoneview. Most of the people you’ll see there buy from us.”

I shrug. “I’m only going so Alex can tell her parents we’re together. I’m never showing up at that house again after that.”

She takes a deep breath as we turn onto another street. “So, you’re really not gonna get us that police protection?”

The disappointment in her voice tugs at my protective nature. I would do anything for my family…just not that. I can’t jeopardize my relationship with Alex anymore. I’m in love, and I don’t care if it means it makes me a less ruthless man. It took the sweetest woman around for me to realize there are other ways to protect the North Shore, and I want to be part of the change.