Page 163 of Heartless Beloved

Peach looks gorgeous as always when she arrives in a long emerald satin dress, her red hair splayed around her shoulders and going all the way to her waist.

Both her dads are with her. One is much older, George Sanderson, and he was a local councilman for years. Now he’s part of my dad’s party because he wants to show he supposedly supports the LGBTQIA+ community. Her other dad is Georgio Menacci, a famous Italian actor who made it in Hollywood in the early 2000s. He retired when he married George, and they decided to have a child.

“Penelope,” my mother beams at my friend as she takes her in her arms. “You look as wonderful as ever.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Delacroix.”

“Georgio,” my dad says warmly as he shakes his hand. “I’m so glad you could come. We have much to talk about today.”

“After a glass of champagne, if you don’t mind, Senator,” the other chuckles deeply.

We spend another half-hour at the door greeting everyone. Xi is not here yet, and my stomach twists. What is he doing? I don’t have access to my phone right now so I can’t check on any notifications. He better not be pulling aXi Timekind of arrival. My dad hates people who show up late.

More guests will be showing up while we have drinks and hors d’oeuvres in the reception room, and I’m sure he will come then. Ineedhim to come.

Chatter and clinking glasses fill the background noise of the room. Chester, Wren, Peach, Ella, and I are standing in a corner, my eyes trained on the door as they all laugh around me.

Wren puts a hand on my shoulder, jarring me a little. “He’s coming, don’t worry. Dinner hasn’t even started.”

“Is he coming with someone?” Ella asks right away, her excitement palpable. Luke and his friends haven’t arrived yet, so we haven’t seen Chris. Although I do know she’s not exactly looking forward to seeing him and his girlfriend.

“He was meant to come with Logan, but Logan hates Stoneview, so I’m not sure he quite convinced him,” I say.

“Oh.” She looks around. “Well, then I better start flirting with some boys around here. Hey, Chester, is your dad still single?”

“Fuck off,” Chester snorts as we all laugh.

Before I know it, we’re saying hi to Luke and his friends. We’ve joked around and gotten Ella out of an awkward situation with Chris.

But someone is still missing.

The sound of cutlery hitting a glass cuts the conversation short. The noise in the room dies down as everyone focuses on my father, my mom standing right next to him.

“Ladies and gentlemen, if you’d like to make your way to the dining room. Dinner is served.”

Everyone files out, following the servers to our guest dining room in another part of the house. I can’t move though, because all I can think of is that Xi still isn’t here.



Sober – Josh A, NEFFEX

“Ow, Tamar, you’re fucking strangling me.”

I hear Zara snort behind me, sitting on Tamar’s bed. I shoot her a look and her snort turns into a cackle.

“I’m trying my fucking best,” Tamar mumbles, pulling on the tie again. “You’re a dude, you should know how to put these on.”

Her eyes dart back to her phone and the video playing calledFive easy ways to knot your tie.

“That shit’s too fucking small,” I grunt, rolling my shoulders. Lik lent me a black suit and I can’t breathe in it. “That’s too tight, Tamar,” I snap, pushing her hand away.

“That’s how it’s meant to be,” she fights back, annoyed.

“I can’t fucking breathe.” I pull at the knot and undo all her hard work.

“I don’t think that’s got anything to do with the tie,” Zara chuckles as she shoves a piece of gum in her mouth. I throw her another look, but she shrugs. “You’re out of your comfort zone.”