Page 48 of Heartless Beloved

“Wild Monday night, I see,” he says deadpan.

I roll my eyes behind his back and move to the side of the island perpendicular to his. I wouldn’t want to be too close. His smell drives me crazy. His energy does nothing but attract me to him.

Sitting back down on my stool, I insist. “As I said, Peach isn’t here. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

He digs inside the pocket of his black cargo pants and throws a small plastic seal bag on the counter. “Just bring this to her when you see her. She already paid for it.”

I lean over the island, taking a closer look and realizing it’s a white powder.

“Oh.” Peach and Xi didn’t sleep together. He’s selling her drugs. “No, no, no. I’m not touching that.”

He wipes his hand against his mouth, like hiding a mocking smile. I’m dying to grab his wrist and reveal what it would look like.

“Are you that much of a good girl you can’t carry a bit of coke to your friend?”

I shake my head, looking down at my laptop and pretending to focus on my essay. “I’m the daughter of a senator. Do you even understand the repercussions if I got caught with this? I’m sorry, but I can’t. You’re going to have to bring it to her to Xi Ep. Sorry.”

A short growl resonates in his chest as I feel him get closer. I see my screen move, giving me barely enough time to pull my hands away as he slams my laptop shut.

“That’s enough fucking apologizing for one conversation.”

I can feel him standing behind me, his breath in my ear and his hand now flat on top of my laptop. His other hand slides between my legs, grabbing the stool. He spins me around, making me gasp. He’s now towering over me, my breathing accelerating and shortening at the knowledge that his hand is so close to my core.

I look up,sorryat the tip of my tongue, but I stop myself just in time. I lick my dry lips.

“You have to bring it to her,” I repeat. “She’ll be spending the night at Xi Ep. I-I just came here to work in peace.”

His eyes dart around my face, that crease between his brows ever so present. Both of us are now silent, as I watch him drag his enchanting eyes down my body, noticing how the muscles at the base of his neck tense when he stares at my bare thighs.

“Will you?”

His eyes snap back up, looking directly at me and making my entire body tense from his silent strength.

“Bring it to her,” I insist when I realize he’s lost track of our conversation.

If possible, his face falls, looking even more annoyed than usual.

“No,” he finally says.

“But I told you…I won’t.”

“She can wait.”

“Okay,” I whisper, the conversation becoming incredibly quiet.

“Alexandra,” he murmurs. The syllables of my name become waves slowly coming to caress the shore with their impenetrable presence.

Whenever this man talks to me, digging far into my mind to grab a piece of my soul, I hear Taylor’sWildest Dreamresonating in my head.


He pulls the stool closer so my nose practically touches his stomach. He’s so incredibly tall I struggle to take him all in. His other hand leaves my laptop to grab my hair at the back of my head, forcing me to tilt my head up.

His head lowers, his lips brushing mine. This close, I can feel everything he is. The anger within him, constant, like a burning fire. The danger he represents, tempting and daring me.

And his delicate soul.

Reaching out to mine in the search of something as simple as faith.