Page 153 of Heartless Beloved

Satin Black - iamjakehill

Watching Alex squirm the whole fucking night is the best thing this year so far. Every now and then, she throws me desperate looks that she alternates with a threatening gaze. She’s got the most gorgeous eyes I’ve ever seen. It takes all of me not to give in and bend her over the kitchen counter right now. But I can’t because I’m trying to teach her a fucking lesson. I can’t believe she came to this party after I warned her not to. I’ve seen more crime going on the last day of frat initiations than on the North Shore.

Maybe not.

But I know they all get a fucked-up dare that defies imagination. I’ve seen them slipping drugs in women’s drinks. I’ve seen someone come in a cup before mixing it with a drink and downing it just to be part of Zeta Nu.

I don’t want Alex around uncontrollable men. I don’t have the fucking time to murder someone at the moment.

Vito Luciano is on Emma’s back constantly, meaning she’s on mine. And, of course, the fact that I set the brothers’ house on fire isn’t helping with the tension. NSC is getting more money, slowly gaining back power, and the Kings are scared to death. The moment I bring something to Vito, we’ll be free to finish the Kings once and for all without any repercussions. People are counting on me.

See, the thing is: I thought if Alex knew about the plan and broke up, that it would be it. It turns out I don’thaveto let her go. I don’t have to do anything. I told her to be careful when I get obsessed. That it wasn’t a good thing.

When someone belongs to you entirely, they can’t escape.

She doesn’t see it now, but she will.

My eyes go back to Alexandra. She’s talking actively with her two best friends, throwing hands in the air and bending over in laughter.

She’s so fucking beautiful when she laughs. The way her hazel eyes light up with gold and her perfect teeth all show. Her friend Ella adds something, making her laugh more, and she lets out the cutest snort before putting her hands on her mouth as they all cackle.

I grab the money the frat boy hands me and pocket it before going to my gorgeous girl. The fact that she thought she could get rid of me amuses me. Doesn’t she understand that this thing between us doesn’t end. Ever.

I put my hand on her lower back, slowly tracing her spine with my fingertips. I feel her tensing under me before I wrap my hand around the back of her neck.

“Hi, Xi,” Ella says cheerily. “How are you? How’s business?”

Ella talking to me in her usual welcoming voice tells me one thing for sure; Alex hasn’t told her friends about the reason I dated her in the first place. And she hasn’t told them shebroke upwith me. Or tried to.

“Booming,” I answer deadpan.

In truth, I have no interest whatsoever in talking to Alex’s friend. If it was up to me right now, I’d whisk her away from this party and straight to my house.

But I’m fucking working.

“Nice.” Ella smiles brightly. That perfected Stoneview smile that she dons to not let any tension in the conversation.

Peach looks at my hand at the back of Alex’s neck and throws me a dark look that I happily send back.

“I think you should know I don’t agree with this bullshit relationship,” she tells me sincerely.

“Peach!” Alex scolds her. “Please, not now,” she groans. Alex tries to dislodge my hand, but I tighten my grip.

She doesn’t say anything. She could push me away, tell her friends I’m an asshole, and tell everyone what I’ve done.

That’s the problem with Alex. She hates confrontation. She would rather suffer and go through a horrible moment than raise her voice and protect herself. She’s scared of repercussions. I don’t know why, but I’ll find out. And if it has anything to do with those bruises on her body, people will die. Slowly and painfully.

“When then?” Peach says, cocking an eyebrow at my girl. Her eyes snap back to me. “I swear to God if you hurt her…you’re so fucking done, North Shore boy.”

I feel the corner of my lips pulling up. If only she knew the things I’ve done to her friend. My obsession with Alex has been unhealthy for a very long time.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I check it to see a message from Sam. Technically, Sam is my brother’s boyfriend. Before that, he was a hitman who chose no side on the North Shore. He completes his jobs and always stays quiet. I move bodies for him from time to time. Good money, plus I’m discreet. Our relationship is based on me making his victims disappear, and then us pretty much ignoring each other at family dinners. And so right now, he’s definitely not texting me to talk about Friday’s dinner with my mom.

“Anyway!” Alex changes topics, looking for something to say. “I’m excited for your dad’s birthday party, Ella.”

Ella fakes a pout. “Xi, it’s a real shame you won’t be able to come. You could have seen Alex’s house as well! I would have loved to see you there. And one of your friends. But hey,” she extends her hand to squeeze my biceps, then lets it fall back against her thigh, “next time.” She twists her mouth, looking at my arm again, and mouthssorryto Alex as if now realizing her gesture was awkward.

But I don’t believe Alex suddenly tensing up has anything to do with Ella touching me. No. She just realized she fucked up by bringing up the topic.