Page 154 of Heartless Beloved

Alex has lied to her friends that she had invited me to a birthday party at her house and that I said I couldn’t come. Fuck, this girl will never see the end of her punishment.

The little minx didn’t want me to come to her house. Of course not, I betrayed her, and she now knows I want dirt on her dad.

What a perfect opening I have here. Poor Alex. She honestly thought she could keep me away, but I did warn her I would get what I wanted. I regret using and lying to her, but what needs to be done remains the same. It’s understandable, though unfortunate, that she doesn’t want to get on board.

“Didn’t Alex tell you? I moved some stuff around and can come now.” Alex freezes in my grasp and peers up at me.

“Y-you…you can?”

“Anything to spend time with you.”

“You guys are just too cute,” Ella beams.

“I’ll bring a friend, Ella.”

“You will?” Alex repeats.

“Yeah. I’ll be there.” I look at the two other girls. “I gotta go. I’ll see you at that party. Can’t. Fucking. Wait.” I lower my mouth to Alex’s ear, pretending to give her a kiss. “Isn’t it justsohard to get rid of me?”

Letting go of her, I disappear into the crowd as I hear her call my name.

“Xi…Xi!” I make it to the front lawn before she catches up with me. “Xi, wait!”

I stop, turning around so quickly she bumps right into my chest. She takes a step back, catching her breath. “You can’t come,” she pants.

“Why not?” I ask as if the answer isn’t pretty fucking obvious.

“We’re done!” she rages at me. “Stop…stopthis pretending that we’re still together. You are not coming to my house.” Her eyes go to my wrist. “And give me back my bracelet!”

I stride forward, our chests touching. “I’mpretending?” I snarl. “Who’s the one who hasn’t told her little friends? Who still gets wet like a little slut for me? Admit it, Alex, you don’twantto break up. You’re hurt. You feel betrayed. I get it, and I’m sorry. I will keep apologizing until you understand that I fell for you because of who you are, not because of what I needed from you. But we’re not ending this. Don’t you get it? No matter where you go, no matter what you do, no matter who you’re with…you arenevergetting rid of me,” I say through clenched teeth. “And it’smybracelet. You made it forme.”

“I made it for the man who wasn’t a liar. I know why you want to come to that party, and there’s no way I’m allowing you anywhere near my dad. All you want is to destroy him. You want to take my family down.”

I run a hand across my face and close my eyes for a second, trying to keep my cool. Bringing a hand to her chin, I tilt her head up.

“All Iwantis to keep the people I love safe. I’m not the one who wants shit on your dad. That sort of info is held for blackmail by men much more powerful than North Shore petty gangs, believe me. It won’t hurt your family, but it might save mine. I don’t care about your dad and his politics. I care about the North Shore and who it belongs to.”

“How can you say you care about your town when all you do is partake in destroying it? Instead of trying to take it back from the Kings just so you can instill more terror, try to make a change for once.”

Her words hurt more than anything else she’s thrown my way since she learned about everything.

Probably because they’re true.

“You don’t know shit about what goes on on our side of the river. Don’t tell me what I should or shouldn’t do about it. From where you stand, in your Stoneview castle, we’re not even in your field of vision.”

“Aurel Kolnai was a political theorist and philosopher…”

“Not now, Alex,” I groan.

“He said…”

My tongue darts to the front of my teeth before I attempt to cut her off again. “I don’t want to hear your random facts.” A lie. I fucking love her random facts, but this is getting too much. There’s only so long I can spend without going to my knees and begging her to take me back.

“It is bad enough to persevere in barbarism; it is worse to relapse into it; but worst of all is consciously to seek it out.”

My phone vibrates and I know Sam’s getting impatient.

“I have to go,” I tell her. “I’ll be at that birthday party whether you want me there or not.”