“Love you too, Papi,” she said with a sigh.

She hoped everything was all right. But she was also glad she didn’t have to get up.

“Cat!” Rafael yelled through the bedroom door. “What are you doing? We’re supposed to be leaving now.”

“Hold your horses,” she yelled back. “I’m still packing.”

There was a thumping noise as he walked away. Such a drama queen.

She finished packing her bag, making sure that Roger and Snuggly were in it for the umpteenth time. She was worried about these targeted attacks on The Circus. They seemed to be growing worse, with employees being harmed. Alejandro already had three girls quit on him.

She grabbed her bag and stomped out of the room. Unfortunately, Rafael was pacing outside the door. He glowered at her and stepped forward to take the bag from her.

“I can carry it.”

He grunted and just moved away with her bag in his hand.

She rolled her eyes as she walked down the stairs to where Mikey was waiting. He looked amused.

“Sorry to keep you waiting,” she said.

“No worries, I’m used to Cat-time.”

“Hey! Rude.” She was surprised by how happy he seemed. He got out his phone and typed something as they walked outside.

Rafael waited by the door, holding it open for her. “Hurry up, Mikey. We don’t have all day for you to text your girl.”

“Coming, man.” Mikey moved down the stairs and climbed into the driver’s seat.

“I didn’t know you had a girlfriend, Mikey,” she said.

“Yes, she’s the sweetest person. I love her a lot.”

Aww. So cute.

He handed them coffees. “Thought you both might need coffee this morning.”

Ooh, that was nice

“Thank you. That’s so kind.”

She glared over at Rafael, who grunted but sipped his coffee.

They set off for Manhattan and she settled in with a pillow that Rafael had put in the back for her.

She suddenly noticed they were heading a way that wasn’t their normal route. She glanced at Rafael, who frowned and rubbed his forehead.

“Are you all right?” she asked him.

But she was starting to feel a bit odd herself.

“Mikey?” she asked.


“Why are we going this way?” It didn’t make any sense.

“Something’s wrong,” Rafael said, his voice slurred. “Drugged . . .”

Fear flooded her as Rafael’s eyes closed.

“Mikey, what’s happening?” she asked, starting to panic.

“Don’t worry, I gave him a far bigger dose than you. It should kill him fairly quickly.”

“What . . . why?” She tried to undo her belt. She needed to get out. Alejandro. She needed Alejandro.


She hit the button on her bracelet.

Please let it get through to Alejandro or Nighthawk.

The car came to a sudden stop, but she could barely move.

What was happening?

Her door opened and she stared up at the person who had unlocked it. Her vision was showing her five of the same person.

“Hello, Cat.”

“S-Starla?” she whispered in confusion before darkness overtook her.

Someone was shaking her.

“I don’t wanna get up, Papi,” she mumbled. “Just five more minutes. So tired.”

A sharp slap to her cheek made her cry out and opened her eyes, tears filling them.

Ouch. Why would Papi slap her? He never did that! Smack her bottom, yes. But that was different.

Then her vision cleared and she looked up into the face of an evil bitch.


Wait. Starla was dead. Was she having delusions?

“Not your Papi, bitch,” Starla spat at her. “I’m your worst nightmare.”

She took in a shaky breath. Fuck. It all came back to her. The car. Mikey. Rafael.

Oh God, Rafael.

Was he alive? Would anyone find him in time? Her lower lip trembled as she tried to hold in her tears.

“Aww, are you going to cry? Why? Because you know that you’re going to die? I want you to feel every bit of fear and pain that I felt when I was held by your husband and his men. When I thought I would die. Until my baby saved me.”

“H-how? Why?” She glanced around. She was tied to a wooden chair in the middle of a room. She couldn’t see any windows and there was a mildew smell like this place hadn’t been used for a while.

Her head was thumping, one eye had swollen so much that she could hardly see out of it.

Where was Mikey?

Where was Alejandro? Why hadn’t he come for her? Shit. Was she still wearing her necklace? She tried to glance down at herself.

“Oh, are you looking for your necklace? Mikey said it’s chipped. Don’t worry, we popped it into the back of a truck at a gas station. I’m sure it’s leading him on a merry chase.”

Oh God.

Don’t panic.

Mikey didn’t know about the other tracker that she had. The one in the bracelet that Alejandro had given her after the last time she was kidnapped.

How the hell had she been kidnapped again?

Alejandro had trusted Mikey.

He was going to be so pissed.

“You had my man killed and now you’re going to die for that. And Alejandro will have to live with your death on his hands.”