“What are you talking about? Your man?” Cat was so confused.

“My man! Vince!”

Vince? Seriously? Vince had been an asshole who’d assaulted Cat. Alejandro had gotten rid of him years ago.

Although, Cat thought he’d taken care of Starla too. What was she doing alive?

This was insane. Where had Starla been all this time?

She glanced over Starla’s shoulder as Mikey walked into the shack.

“Not that it matters anymore, right? Since you now have me, darling,” Mikey said to Starla before kissing her.

Starla was Mikey’s girlfriend?

Why were they making this move now? How long had they been together?

Had they just been biding their time all these years?

Fuck. Wait. Had she actually seen Starla when she’d gone out for ice cream with Rafael? She’d thought she was going insane . . .

Cat stared up at them as Starla simpered at Mikey. “Of course not. I just get so mad when I think about everything they did to me.”

“We’re going to make them pay, baby. That’s why you have me. How you feeling, Cat? I didn’t give you nearly as much of the drug as I gave Rafael. Poor guy will be dead by now. Although, he’s probably better off dead rather than working for Alejandro.”

“Why are you doing this?” she asked, tears filling her eyes at the thought of Rafael. “Alejandro trusted you.”

“More fool him. He’s been using me for years. Giving me the shit jobs. I asked to kill Starla, because I knew I was meant to save her. That she was mine.”

“Oh, Mikey. You’re so sweet,” Starla said.

“Gag. I’m going to be sick.”

“Shut up, bitch!” Starla slapped her.

Fuck. Ouch! The bitch was stronger than she looked.

“I’m going to kill you!” Starla screeched, raising her hand again.

Mikey caught the other woman’s arm. “Now, baby. We’ve talked about your anger. You need to channel it. Remember what he said?”

He? He who?

“Where have you been all this time, Starla?” Cat asked. “Why wait until now to get your revenge on me and Alejandro?”

“I didn’t want to involve you at first, Cat,” Mikey told her as Starla glared at her. “All I wanted was to earn enough money so that Starla and I could live our lives in luxury. After I rescued her, it became obvious that I could only keep Starla hidden by sending her away. She was having some . . . issues. I was scared that Alejandro would discover she was still alive.”

Starla sneered, her eyes wild. “I just wanted to kill him. Kill them all!”

Holy fuck. Yeah, she could see how he would want her well away from here.

“I know you did, baby,” Mikey said soothingly. “But we didn’t have a plan or the means to go on the run if we needed to. We needed cash. So I paid a friend to take care of Starla away from here.”

“He was an asshole,” Starla muttered. “I hated him.”

“He wasn’t that fond of you, either,” Mikey told her with a scowl. “If you’d been nicer to him, he wouldn’t have left you.”

“You’re blaming that on me?” Starla pouted.

“Of course not, baby,” Mikey crooned. “And it was good timing anyway. It was time for you to come back and get your revenge.”

God. She couldn’t believe this.

“Bet that took a lot of cash, paying him to watch her crazy ass.”

“Watch your mouth!” Starla screeched.

Mikey held her back as she tried to get to Cat. He said something to her quietly. Something that had her calming.

“It did,” Mikey admitted. “I was drowning in debt and I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. And that’s when he found me. Showed me the right path. I wasn’t sure I was going to take his offer, but he helped me. He even helped me come up with this plan.”

Who the fuck was this he?

“Who? Who did all of this?”

“Still needed more cash, though,” Mikey said with a frown. “Starla likes nice things.”

There was a note of bitterness in his voice.

A missing piece clicked.

“Wait . . . it’s you, isn’t it? You’re the one that has been skimming money from The Circus? And Alejandro’s other businesses? Have you been behind the graffiti too?” she asked.

“That was me,” Starla crowed. “I did that. And I attacked those bitches too. One of them saw me when I was there tagging the place so I hit her on the head. And the other one came on to Mikey. So obviously she needed to be punished.”

Holy. Crap.

Mikey’s jaw tightened and he shot Starla a look. Obviously, he didn’t agree with what she’d done. Starla was a liability.

Crazy attracted crazy.

“Mikey promised me revenge on Alejandro for killing Vince and trying to have me killed. It’s been so hard to wait . . . but here we are. And we get to make you suffer too. So worth the wait.” Starla grinned down at her.