She knew it was silly, but him calling her a good girl and saying he was proud of her sent warmth through her body.

He placed a finger under her chin, tilting her head back. “You’re tired. I need to put you down for a nap.”

“No, Papi. Please. Stay with you?”

He stared down at her and then nodded. “All right. I have an idea.”

Suddenly, she found herself being turned, so she lying over his lap.

“I thought you weren’t going to spank me!” This seemed extra mean.

“I’m not. You’re going to sit on my lap to nap. But my cock is feeling awfully neglected and cold. So you’re going to keep it warm.”


She could totally be down with that.

She heard a drawer open and then the squirt of lube.

Oh hell. When he said she was going to keep his dick warm, she’d thought he’d meant he was going to slip it into her pussy.

Not her ass.

He parted her bottom cheeks. He hadn’t bothered to put panties on her after her shower. “Since you were naughty, my dick is going to go in here.” He ran his finger over her back hole. “Relax.”

“Papi,” she grumbled. “How many times do I have to tell you that even when you say to relax, it doesn’t mean I can.”

“You can. Breathe in, then let it slowly out.”

She breathed out as he pressed his finger into her back hole. He pushed his finger in and out of her bottom a few times, before adding a second one. She moaned as her nerve endings lit up. She couldn’t lie. She loved having him play with her bottom.

“That’s it. Good girl. See, I told you that if you relaxed it would feel so much better. You’re taking Papi’s fingers so well.”

She squirmed.

“Uh-uh, stay still. This isn’t for your pleasure. It’s to help you sleep.”

Uh. Yeah. She didn’t see how that was going to happen. But she tried not to move as he continued to fingerfuck her ass.

Then he slid his fingers free and turned her over so she was straddling his lap.

Reaching over, he grabbed a wipe to clean the lube off his fingers, before he undid his pants and drew his boxers down, revealing his thick erection.

“Can I have a taste first, Papi?”

“Not this time. Come here.” He drew her up and over his cock, then reached back to part her ass cheeks. She took a deep breath in without his direction, trying to relax as he slid his dick into her ass.


It felt so good.

Once she was settled with him inside her, she clenched down. He grunted and smacked her ass lightly. “None of that now. That’s not what this is about.”

It should be. She huffed out a sigh of displeasure.

But then he grabbed something from another drawer and held it to her mouth.

Her pacifier! She took it eagerly.

He also handed her Snuggly and Roger and directed her to lay her head against his chest.

She snuggled in.

This was perfect, though. She wasn’t sure she could actually fall asleep like this.

No, she didn’t think she’d . . . sleep . . . at . . .

Alejandro ran his hand up and down his sleeping girl’s back as he settled her more firmly against him.

He didn’t think he was going to get much more work done. It was too hard to concentrate with his dick nestled in her tight, warm hole.


He hadn’t thought this through, had he? Picking up his phone, he decided to see if he could help Dante with one thing.

Their wayward brother.

Alejandro: Where are you? Dante is trying to get hold of you.

Ortega: Dante needs to take the stick out of his ass. I’m busy.

Alejandro: Doing what?

Ortega: Stuff.

So eloquent.

Alejandro: Do you need any help?

Ortega: No.

Alejandro: Just text him to let him know you’re alive.

Ortega: How is my Sprinkles?

Alejandro: She’s good. I’m always going to make sure of that.

Nothing would stop him from taking care of his girl. She was his entire world. But he did need to figure out a way to spend more time with her. When she was left to her own devices, she got into far too much trouble.

Although life would be boring if Cat always did as she was told.


“Cat? Mi Pequeña?”

“No, Mama. I don’t wants to go to school,” she grumbled.

“It’s not your mama, Preciosa,” a voice soothed. “It’s your Papi.”

“Papi? What is it? Why is it so dark?” She tried to peer up at him, blinking through the darkness.

“It’s actually early.”

“How early?”

“Four in the morning.”

She groaned, slumping back. “Papi!”

“I’m sorry to wake you, but I didn’t want you to wake up to find me gone.”


“I have to go back to the city. Rafael will bring you home later.”

Her mind tried to sort through that information. “Why?”

“Problems at The Circus again. Another attack.”

Oh no.

“I goes with you.”

“No,” he said firmly. “You’ll sleep. You can come home later with Rafael. Love you, Kitten.”