“Seems like you really needed me fifteen minutes ago and you didn’t come get me.”

“I had things under control.”

“This is what you call having things under control? Did you hurt yourself when you fell?”

“Just my hands and knees. They feels fine now. I had it handled, Papi!”

“Did you?” He glanced around at the room. “Is that why you locked the door and wouldn’t let me in?”

“Umm . . .”

“That was naughty, wasn’t it?”

“I just wanted to tidy up my mess. Sorry, Papi.” She gave him a sad look.

“I’m going to strip you out of these clothes and put you in the shower while I get this cleaned up. Then we can talk about an appropriate punishment. Understand?”

“I should help clean up,” she said as he drew off her sweater and the long-sleeved top underneath. He threw them into the laundry basket.

“I don’t want you slipping again.” He lifted her off the counter and pulled down her tights and panties before inspecting her knees and hands.

They looked okay, but her knees seemed tender. They’d probably bruise.

He turned on the shower, then checked the temperature of the water before leading her over.

“In you go, Pequeña mocosa.” He smacked her ass for good measure.

“Ouch! Not nice, Papi! You should spank the bath monster.”

“I thought I just did.”


Twenty minutes later, Cat was out of the shower and standing in her least favorite place.

The corner.

The corner sucked. She’d rather be spanked and Papi knew that.

He’d cleaned the bathroom while she was in the shower. When she got out, he dried her off and put her in one of his shirts, before directing her to the corner so he could finish cleaning up.

She felt bad that he was doing it all himself.

“All done. Pequeña, come here please.”

Turning, she saw him sitting on the bed. He crooked a finger at her and she stepped toward him. He drew her between his open legs. Then he reached over and grabbed one of his shirts that he’d put on the bed beside him. He dressed her in it.

“Tell me why you just spent some time in the corner.”

“Because I made a mess in the bathroom. Sorry, Papi.”

“No, that’s not why you were in the corner. Messes happen. Although you shouldn’t have been running a bath alone or pouring things into the bath without supervision, that isn’t why Papi is upset with you.”

“You’re upset with me?” She sniffled.

“Just a bit. I’m upset that you locked the bathroom door and lied about what you were doing.”

“Oh.” Her tummy swooped, making her feel ill. “I is sorry.”

“You aren’t to lie to Papi. You can tell me anything, even when you make a mess or have an accident.”

“I didn’t have an accident!”

His lips twitched. “Not this time.”

“Papi!” Sheesh, she knew he was teasing, but still . . .

He ran a finger over her cheek. “I’m not happy that you lied, that you put a locked door between us, or that you needed help and hurt yourself and didn’t come find me.”

“Sorry, Papi. Is you going to spank me?”

“I am going to punish you, but I’m not going to spank you. I need to go and see if I can rearrange some things so we can fly down to Mexico and you’re going to come and sit with me and write lines.”

“Oh no . . . Papi, please spank me. Please.”

Ignoring her pleas, he continued, “And then, after you’ve finished writing lines, you’re going to have a nap.”

After he handed her Snuggly and Roger, he wrapped her up tight in a blanket and carried her down to his office. The only person they passed was Mikey, who looked startled as they walked past.

“Sorry, Boss!” he called out.

Alejandro just grunted back. He really did intimidate that poor boy.

Locking the office door behind them, he drew off the blanket before pointing to the other side of his desk. “Sit there. I’ll get you some paper and a pen. Thirty lines saying: I will not lock Papi out. Thirty more lines saying: I will not lie to Papi. Then thirty more lines saying: I will always call Papi if I need him.”

Ninety lines?

This sucked the big one. But when she opened her mouth to complain, he just stared at her. She sat and stared down at the piece of paper in front of her, feeling drained already. But she started the lines.

“How come we’re going back to Mexico, Papi?” she asked as she took a break after her first thirty lines.

“Dante wants me there for another meeting.”

“With that same guy?”

“Si, he’s being difficult.”

“Want me to make him a no-bake bar?”

“I do not,” Alejandro said firmly. “More writing, less talking.”

Such a party pooper.

By the time she finished her lines, she felt worn out. “Finished, Papi.”

“Good girl. Bring it here.” He drew her onto his lap as he read over her lines. “Well done. I’m proud of you.”