“Let’s see . . . what could you do? Perhaps I need a distraction.”

“Hmm, a distraction, huh? Well, we could play a game of Gin Rummy?” she suggested.

“Gin Rummy?”


“I was thinking something more hands-on.”

“Oh, Operation.”

He grinned. “I had something else in mind. I have a few things for my Kitten.”

He set her down on the floor on her bottom, which felt a bit odd.

“Would you like to come see what I have for you, my pretty Kitty?” he crooned.

Did he . . . did he expect her to crawl after him like an actual cat? That would be taking this sort of play further than they ever had before.

But she figured she could go for it. She knew he would never force her if she didn’t like it.

So she crawled along behind him. When he stopped in front of a set of cupboards, she took a chance and rubbed her face against his thigh, like she was scent-marking him.

Oh, she liked that. Especially when Alejandro smiled down at her.

“Good Kitten.”

Opening the cupboard, he drew out a plush sheepskin rug, which he set down on the floor in the middle of the room. Next came a cat tower that was about two feet tall with items hanging off it from strings, including toy mice and soft balls.

Ooh. Cat liked the idea of that, so she wove herself between his parted legs, purring.

“Seems my Kitty likes her toys,” he murmured.

She moved to the sheepskin and lay down on her back, rubbing against it. He gently patted her tummy.

Yep, she absolutely liked this. She moved into his lap and nuzzled at his neck before sliding off and heading over to the toy. She batted at a mouse. That was fun. Lying on her back under it, she hit it back and forth.

He brought out another toy. A toy mouse that was attached to a long stick by a short piece of string. She tried to pounce on it as he moved it around the carpet.

Frustration built as she couldn’t grab it, and she finally stopped with a small hiss at the stupid toy and turned back to her sheepskin.

“Not a fan of that toy, huh?” he asked in amusement as he started running his hand down her stomach and over her mound.

Nope. She wasn’t.

But she was a fan of being petted. When he stopped, she swiped out at his hand, hissing again.

“Uh-uh. Be a good Kitten, or Sir will have to discipline you,” he warned.

Kittens didn’t get disciplined; they did whatever they wanted. She gave him a haughty look and rolled onto her tummy.

Rookie mistake.

His hand landed sharply on her rump three times.

So rude. Another glare had him giving her a stern look back.

She sighed. Fine. Sliding around, she moved back into his lap, straddling it this time and rolling her hips against his cock.

“Oh, is my Kitten horny?” he whispered. “Well, let Sir see what he can do.”

Picking her up, he carried her back to his chair where he sat with her on his lap, facing him so he could stare down at her breasts.

“Damn, you are a pretty, delectable Kitten, aren’t you?” He ran a finger along the top of her breasts, then he pushed the top of the corset down so her nipple popped free.

She let out a small moan. “Please.”

“Shh, Kitten. No talking from you.”

Darn it.

“You have the prettiest nipples, don’t you, Kitten? Let’s get the other one out. That’s it. Good girl. You’re doing so well for Sir. I think we need to get you some more toys since you liked your tower.”

Oh dear Lord.

“I saw these plugs with tails on the ends of them. My Kitten needs a tail, doesn’t she?”

Uh . . . did she?

Then he bent down and circled her nipple with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth and all her doubts and worries went out the window.

This was Alejandro. He might push her to explore new things, but he would never force her to do anything she was truly uncomfortable with.

“That’s it. You like that, don’t you? Are you wet for me?”

She mewled. She didn’t mean to . . . it just came out of her mouth. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she leaned back so he could fit more of her nipple into his mouth. His hands massaged her butt cheeks, then he pulled them apart so he could press down on her plug.

“Oh. Ohh.”


“Remember, no talking,” he warned her.

Shit. Crap. He grasped the end of the plug and twisted it.

“I’m certain you’re wet for me,” he murmured. “I need a taste. But you’re not allowed to come on my tongue.”

Damn it. She hated having to hold back her orgasm.

He lifted her onto the desk and then slid her shorts off her, leaving her wearing just the corset and a butt plug.