She bit her lip to hold back her smile. “Sorry, Papi.”

“You don’t seem very sorry. You look like you’re trying hard not to laugh at me. Did you sleep?”

“Yeah, I think I dozed for a while.”

He grunted and ran a finger under her eye. “Early bedtime for you.”

“What? Papi, that’s not fair. Maybe you should go to bed earlier since you’re the one that’s so tired.”

“I’m not so tired that I can’t spank your ass again, Pequeña.”

“Papi, you cannot threaten to spank my bottom every time I say something you don’t like.”

“I can’t? Why not?”

“Papi,” she complained.

He grinned, and before she could really appreciate it, he rolled them both over so she was lying on his chest. His hands went down to her ass, squeezing her cheeks.

“Would Kitten like to come to work with Sir?”

Now, that sounded like fun.

“I think she’d like that. If Sir is going to be nicer than Papi.”

“Sir is never nicer than Papi.”

“Drat, you’re right. Papi is definitely the pushover in this relationship.”


“Hey! Ouchie!”

He rolled them again, but this time, she was on her back, staring up at him as he held himself above her. His legs were bent on either side of her hips and his hands rested on the mattress by her head. “Do you want to rephrase that?”

“Uh-huh, yep, totally misspoke. Papi is such a badass. The biggest badass of them all. A badass motherfucker, everyone is saying it.”

“That’s better,” he murmured. “I need to go do a few things. Let’s get you something to wear to the office.”

“Whatever you say, Boss Man.”

“That’s Sir Boss Man to you.”


That’s how she ended up sitting on Alejandro’s lap twenty minutes later with a plug in her ass, wearing a soft leather corset and a pair of leather shorts with the ass cut out of them.

Though she didn’t think they were real leather, they definitely looked like it.

The corset barely covered her nipples. She was one deep breath away from exposing herself.

She also wore an adorable cat ears headband. The ears were covered in black sequins. She loved them so much that he’d bought her some for the playroom when she was in Little headspace.

The first few times he’d dressed her like this, she’d been extremely nervous, certain that someone would walk into the office and see her.

But she should have known better. Alejandro would never risk allowing anyone to see her this way. He was far too possessive and jealous for that.

This was just for him—for them.

Alejandro finished up his call and sat back with a sigh.

“Everything okay?” she asked.

“Hmm, yeah.”

“Are you sure? You can tell me.” He didn’t tell her much about his business, but she wanted him to know that she’d always be there if he needed her.

He opened his mouth but said nothing, and she knew he wasn’t going to tell her anything once again. Her shoulders slumped, and he frowned slightly. “We’ve been having trouble getting our product over the border. On our last transport, there was an ambush. Our men were killed and the product disappeared.”

“That’s terrible,” she said. Those poor men.

“Nope. Our buyers tend to get twitchy when their product doesn’t arrive. One of our biggest distributors is a gang called the Radical Raiders in North Dakota and they’ve been making noise about buying from another cartel, run by a guy called Felipe Ruiz.”

“You don’t like him?”

“The guy is evil and underhanded. Wouldn’t surprise me if he was the one behind all of our problems, but there’s no proof.”

“I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do?”

“Nico is negotiating with Leo, the leader of the Radical Raiders at the moment, but he’s not having much luck. I’m thinking of sending Reuben out there to talk to them. It’s not too far from where his sister lives in Montana.”

“The one that’s with two men, right?”

Reuben’s sister, Juliet, lived in Wishingbone, Montana, with her two men. One of whom was the bodyguard Reuben had sent to look after her when he’d been going through something bad with his old job.

Now, Reuben worked for Alejandro full time, which she knew her husband was pleased about.

“Don’t you get any ideas about adding another man to our relationship. I’d kill anyone you set your eyes on.” Although his tone was teasing, she saw the intent in his eyes. She was under no illusions that he meant every word.

“Another man? Are you kidding? It’s hard enough to keep up with you. I’d be waddling around if we added another man to the mix, unless you were planning on helping out with some husbandly duties.”

He snorted. “The only one taking a cock up their ass is you.”

“Alejandro!” She blushed, clenching around the plug in her ass. It had been a while since he’d fucked her ass, which is why she’d had to complain a lot as he was plugging her.