“You are not a coward,” he told her in a low voice. “You are brave and smart. It’s all right to be afraid.”

“Is it?”

“Of course it is. It shows you’re smart. It shows you have something to lose.”

“You’re never scared or afraid.”

“I’m terrified of losing you. It’s my greatest fear. But you’re right. I said we weren’t going to let him scare us into hiding. And we won’t. All right, we’ll go out next week.”

“Really?” She gave him a hopeful look.

“Yes. But you won’t be able to go on the dance floor, you’ll stick by me all night, and you will do everything you are told.”

“Of course, Papi. I’m a good girl.”


Excitement filled Cat as they pulled up around the back of The Circus of the Dark and parked.

Cairn and The Scot climbed out first. She was in the back with Alejandro, and Rafael sat across from them.

Rafael was scowling.

“The wind will change and your face will stay like that,” she warned him.

His scowl just deepened.

“Although, actually, it might be an improvement on your normal face. So, carry on.” She waved a hand through the air as a knock came on the door, telling them they could come out.

“Stop teasing Rafael, Kitten,” Alejandro warned her, patting her thigh. “Rafael, give us a moment.”

He waited until the other man had left the car before turning to her. “Now, remember your promise to stay right by my side. You’re not even going to the bathroom alone. Understand?”

“Yes, Papi.”

“There’s been no sign of the Deity. And I checked all of my men and employees for signs of a tattoo.”

“You did? Are you serious?”


“But . . . but you can’t force people to show you whether they have a tattoo.”

“Can’t I?” He eyed her.

“Whoa. It’s a wonder no one is suing you.”

He laughed. “I’d like to see them try.”

“What if he does make another move?”

“Then we’ll take him down. I won’t allow anyone to hurt you, Preciosa. Never again.”

She nodded, feeling her stomach settle.

“Let’s head up to the VIP area.”

Getting out of the car, he walked her inside with the guys closing ranks around them. Sometimes, it felt like she couldn’t trust anyone but Alejandro, even though she knew that was crazy.

“Sure you’re all right?” Alejandro asked as they walked into the VIP area, which was upstairs and only had one entrance and exit point. The only way someone could get up here was the stairs.

And Alejandro had assured her that both Gage and Nico would be down the bottom of the stairs, guarding the entrance. While The Scot, Cairn, and Rafael were up with them.

It was overkill.

Still, she felt nervous.

The VIP area was above the dance floor. It had a balcony with a glass railing and a round booth you could sit at. Then, behind the booth and to the right was a sunken lounge.

They settled into the booth with The Scot and Rafael close by while Cairn stood at the railing.

She swayed with the music, taking a sip from the cocktail that Cairn had made for her.

“Do you want to dance?” Alejandro asked her

“Here, Papi? Or down there?” Because she wasn’t sure she wanted to go down into the middle of those writhing bodies.

It felt too unsafe.

Wow, she really had changed. Before Starla and Mikey, she’d have been begging him to take her down there. To dance with her in the crowd.

Alejandro would never have said yes, of course. But it didn’t mean she wouldn’t have tried.

“Up here, Kitten.” He stood and held out his hand to her. It was dark up here so if anyone looked up, they wouldn’t see them.

However, they had an excellent view of the dancing floor below them. He drew her out from the booth and over toward the railing.

Alejandro danced like a dream. Smooth and dominant, he moved her around like she weighed nothing.

Then he drew her against him, her back to his front with his arm around her waist. His other hand moved to her throat, pinning her against him. She could feel his dick pressing into her as he swayed them back and forth.

They danced a few songs before he drew her in closer to speak to her.

“You look so damn sexy tonight, Kitten. Do you want to play with Sir?”


“My good girl. Are you wet from dancing?”

“Si.” He knew that dancing with him always made her wet.

“Let’s go sit down.”

She let him lead her back to the booth. It had deep seats and a table set in the middle. He picked up a bottle of water and held it to her lips.

She took a few sips and then drew back to reach for her cocktail. He leaned back in the booth with his arms up on the sides.

“Just remember what happens when you drink too much,” he warned.


Why did he have to bring that up? She hated being hungover.