She set the cocktail aside.

“Come here.” He beckoned to her with his fingers. She slid closer, but he shook his head. “Straddle my lap.”

She moved so she was sitting over him, facing him.

“Good girl. So good at obeying Sir’s instructions.”

Not always. But she’d take it.

“Come here.” He drew her into him and took her mouth with a kiss. Arousal filled her.

“Let’s see just how wet you are, shall we?”

It wasn’t really a question. Well, not one he wanted an answer to. Reaching down between her thighs, he slid her panties to one side.

He’d chosen her dress. It was one that had tiers and the last tier was full. So her dress and the table hid exactly what they were doing.

Or she hoped they did.

She glanced around. The Scot, Cairn, and Rafael had their backs to them, guarding them from any outside attacks.

“Is your clit throbbing? Do you want to come?”

“Yes, but not . . . we can’t do that here.”

“We can do whatever I want.” He pressed a finger deep inside her. His mouth swallowed her moan. Not that the beat of the music from downstairs wouldn’t have drowned out the sound.

“So wet for me. Such a good girl. You’re going to sit on my cock, Kitten.”

“What? I can’t.” He had to be kidding, right? Yes, it was dark and private, but that was pushing things too far.

“You can. I want you to slide off those panties and give them to me.”

Again, she glanced over at his men.

“Kitten,” he said warningly, bringing her face toward him. “They aren’t for you to worry about. What are you supposed to do?”

“Obey you.”

“That’s right. And so far, you’re not doing a good job.”

“I’m sorry, Sir.” She quickly moved off him, so she could slide her panties off, handing them to him.

“That’s my good girl.”

A shiver of pleasure ran through her.

“Your nipples are hard right now, aren’t they?” he murmured.


She really wanted him to kiss them, play with them.

The ache in her clit grew.

“I want you to sit on my lap facing me again. But this time, you’re going to take my dick into your pussy.”

Oh God, she was in such trouble here.

He undid his pants, then lifted her so she straddled his thighs. His cock nudged at her entrance. She had to bite her lip to hold in her moan as he slid her onto him.

This was so insane. So wicked.

And yet you’re not telling him no, are you?

She knew that if she said her safeword, he’d stop.

But she didn’t want that.

“You’re going to sit nice and still. We don’t want anyone to know what’s happening, do we? Don’t make any noises. Don’t move. If you’re good, Sir will reward you.”


She didn’t know how easy it would be to stay still. But she’d try.

Because she really wanted that reward.


Cat took another sip of her drink, trying to calm her nerves.

When her drink was finished, Alejandro called The Scot over to refill their drinks. She stiffened, but the other man barely looked at them.

Crap. Did he know, or didn’t he?

“Relax,” Alejandro ordered. “Do you think I’d let anyone else know what we’re doing? No one gets to see you, hear you, or smell you.”

“Smell me?” Jeez. “Ew, gross. I hope no one can smell me.”

“Well, they won’t if they want to keep their noses,” he said darkly. “Because you smell fucking delicious, and that scent is all for me. Just like your taste and the way you feel around my cock.”

She had to bite back a moan at his words.

“Remember, you’ve sat on my lap like this a lot,” he murmured to her as The Scot started back toward their table. “None of them have any idea that my dick is inside you.”

She held on to that thought. Hopefully, no one could see the way her cheeks were flushed, and that her heart was racing.

“Thank you,” she said to The Scot as he handed her another drink. Could he hear how high-pitched her voice was?

She took a sip and nearly choked on the amount of alcohol in it.

“No good?” The Scot asked. “I’ve never made one of those before.”

“Um, no, it’s good. Really good.”

He nodded and turned away.

“Tastes terrible, huh?” Alejandro murmured.

“I don’t think I’ve ever tasted something quite this bad,” she replied.

He took a sip of the cocktail, then made a choking noise before taking a drink of water. “Shit, there’s so much vodka in there it would put down a horse. Don’t drink that. You’ll drink yourself into a coma.”

Yeah, she hadn’t planned to drink any more. Alejandro slid the drink to one side and held his Scotch up for her, but she shook her head.

“Anyone would think you’re trying to get me drunk,” she commented.

“Not at all, Kitten. I just want you to be relaxed and happy.”

She squeezed his cock. “I’m very happy.”