
“Maybe I’ll stay inside.”

“Now, you won’t get to make that decision, will you? And I think a swim would be nice today.”

Oh hell.

He moved to sit facing her. Grabbing her chin, he tilted her face back. “Trust me?”


“I won’t push you more than you can take.”

She let out a sigh, feeling herself surrender to him. “All right, Papi.”

“Good girl. Feel free to go as young as you like. I am prepared for every eventuality.”

Yikes. She just bet he was.

“You and Dante still doing okay?” she asked. “You don’t have plans with him today?”

“Uh-uh, Little girls don’t worry about things like that. And they shouldn’t try to distract their Papi. Come. Let’s get you dressed and ready. You still need to hydrate some more. I have your bottle ready. And we need to talk about rules.”


Ick. She hated rules.

With a sigh, she tried to stand but he held her down. “No, Pequeña, no walking for you today.”

Her eyes widened.

“Papi will carry you everywhere, or you’ll crawl.”

A funny feeling developed in her tummy.

“No one will see you but me,” he reassured her quickly. “And if you don’t want to, I will happily carry you.”

Whoa. Okay.

Of course he wouldn’t humiliate her. This was Alejandro. He stood and lifted her onto his hip, carrying her into the bedroom and laying her down on the bed.

She saw he had her clothes all set out for her. A light sundress that ended mid-thigh. It was a deep green color that would match her eyes.

And thick panties with ruffles at the back.

Training pants? Yikes.

He lay her on her back on the bed and then undid the shirt buttons before tugging it off each arm. Then he drew down her panties so she lay there, naked.

He pressed her pacifier to her lips and she took it gratefully. Sucking on something always eased her worries. Then, Alejandro placed Snuggly in her hand and she rubbed him under her nose as Alejandro slid the thick panties onto her.

A feeling of vulnerability rolled through her. But also something that felt right.

She sighed happily.

He helped her sit up so he could slip the sundress over her head. When he stood her up, she tried to peer behind her to see whether she was completely covered up.

If she bent over, she was pretty sure her panties would be on display.

“Sit down on the floor and Papi will do your hair, then it’s breakfast time. And I have your bottle ready.”

After doing her hair up into two pigtails, he let her look at herself in the mirror.

Oh yeah, she looked adorable.

“Before we go down to breakfast, do you need to go potty?”

Feeling herself growing red, she nodded.

“Good girl. Let’s do that now.” He picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. It shouldn’t have come as a shock when he wouldn’t let her pee on her alone, as he rarely did when she was in Little headspace.

When he said complete control, he meant it.

After cleaning her up and washing her hands, he carried her downstairs and set her in a chair that had some unusual straps and a tray in the front.

Oh God. An adult baby chair?


“Papi? Can I talk?”

“If you want to, then of course you can.”

He sounded so reasonable, but she was suspicious. And she hadn’t heard all of these rules of his yet.

Alejandro did up the straps before setting the tray in place.

“Where did this come from?”

“Dante has a large supply of Little items.”


“Dante is a Daddy Dom? He seems so cold, though.”

Alejandro opened the fridge and pulled out a tray of food. When he walked over and placed it on the table, she frowned. There was a bowl of granola and yogurt, as well as a plate of sliced fruit. There was also a sippy cup with water.

What was this healthy crap?

“Well, he was. Not sure about now.”

No? He could just stop being one? She didn’t think she could stop being a Little.

“And you know people say that I’m cold, right? Most wouldn’t believe that I’m a Daddy Dom.” He poured one cup of coffee, but didn’t add creamer.

Where was her coffee?

“Pfft. They just don’t know you. Secretly, underneath the hard exterior, you’re pure marshmallow.”

He stilled as he was walking back to her. “Marshmallow?”

“Yep, sticky, sweet marshmallow. Great with a hot chocolate or in s’mores.” She smiled widely at him.

“Sometimes, I can’t tell whether you’re joking or not. I am not a marshmallow.” He turned a chair so he faced her, then he sat. She was slightly higher than him.

“That’s exactly what a marshmallow with a crusty exterior would say, Papi.”

“Crusty exterior? The insults just keep coming. And I’m still not a marshmallow on the inside. Do not say that to anyone else.” He pointed at her sternly.

“Course not. I don’t want anyone trying to steal my Crusty Marshmallow.” She gave him an innocent smile as he just muttered to himself.