Shaking his head, he took a sip of coffee and spooned up some granola and yogurt.

“Icky, Papi. I don’ts want it. Coffee and french toast.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Perhaps we need to go through the rules before doing anything else.”

“I think we might have to do an intervention, Papi. I might need to talk to O.”

“An intervention? For what?” he asked.

“Because you’re addicted.”

“I don’t have an addiction.”

“Uh-huh, you’re rules addicted. It’s a terrible addiction, really. You think you need to make and enforce lots of rules, but if you just let the addiction go what’s the worst that could happen?”

“Hmm, I would say that the worst that could happen is a certain Little brat might think she was in charge. And that she could get away with anything. She’d probably live on bread and butter, perform all sorts of dangerous stunts, hurt herself and never get any sleep.”

“That’s the dream, Papi. That’s the dream.”

He grabbed her left foot and tickled it until she screamed. Suddenly, a door burst open and The Scot came racing in, gun drawn.

“What is it? What’s happened?” he asked, glancing around.

Her mouth gaped as she saw he was just wearing a pair of blue boxers.

Whoa. That was a muscular chest.

“Scot!” Alejandro snapped, jumping up to cover her eyes. “Nothing is wrong and you have no clothes on.”

She tried tugging at his hand, but he wasn’t moving it. “Do not try to move my hand, Pequeña. If I see you eyeing his chest, I might become jealous, and that won’t be good for either of you.”

“Uh, sorry, Boss. I was just climbing out of bed and heard Cat scream. Sorry, Little Queen. Return to your normal programming.”

A door shut and then Alejandro removed his hand. She watched him stride over and lock the connecting door between the main wing of the house and the smaller area where his men were staying.

Alejandro was muttering to himself as he checked the other doors.

He was so cute when he was jealous.

“You don’t have anything to be jealous of, Papi. I only have eyes for you.”

“Those eyes were staring at his chest.”

“Just for a few seconds. It was like a quick glance. Like this.” She twisted her head one way, then quickly the other way. “See? Like that.”

He folded his arms over his chest, giving her a skeptical look.

“I only have eyes for you, Papi,” she told him again with absolute sincerity. Because it was true.

“Of course you do,” he replied arrogantly as he sat at the table again. “I never had any doubt.”


She stared down at herself, then gasped. “He saw me sitting in a high chair!”

Holy. Crap.

Alejandro’s lips twitched. Oh, now he was amused?

“He knows you’re a Little, mi Pequeña.”

Not the point. She gave Papi a disgruntled look.

“You know he’s a Daddy Dom too. He goes to a club regularly. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

She huffed out a breath.

“Right. Rules.” He gave her a firm look. “You know that today is partly your punishment for going behind my back to Dante. And partly because this is what I want. And what I think you need.”

She wasn’t so sure about that.

“Until tomorrow morning, you’re my Little girl, my baby. I’m fully in charge. If you need to go to the bathroom, you let me know and I’ll take you. Don’t worry if you’d rather be non-verbal, I’ll check in regularly with you. I make all the decisions. What you eat, what we do, what you wear, when you sleep, when you play. No arguments.”


“I will always honor your safeword.”

She knew that. And she didn’t think she would need it, even though some aspects of this would be hard. While Cat liked the freedom that came with not having to make any decisions, she also enjoyed having her own way. Especially when it came to what she ate. And that bathroom thing . . . hmmm, she still wasn’t used to it.

“And later tonight, Sir will want to spend some time with his Kitten.”

Her heart raced at the thought.

She guessed that sounded okay.

“After breakfast, I have a surprise for you. Wait. I forgot your bib. I know how messy you can get.”

How rude.

Her? Messy?

He put the bib around her, and she smiled as she saw it had a picture of a princess riding a dragon on the front. “Now, open your mouth for the choo-choo train.”

She gave him a look.

“No choo-choo train?” His lips twitched. “What’s the matter?”

“It’s yuck,” she told him. “I want french toast.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Is that anyway to ask for something, mi Pequeña?”


A flush of embarrassment filled her. “Sorry, Papi. Can I have some french toast or bread and butter? I can cook it!”

“You know you’re not allowed to cook,” he said sternly. “And I want you to have some of this. You haven’t been eating very well lately.”