She tensed in his arms. How had she forgotten about the catastrophe?

Because she’d gotten distracted by his balls. That’s how.

“I’m pretty sure it’s obvious.”

“It is?”

“Take a look at my face. Just look at it.”

He slowly ran his gaze over her face. “Gorgeous as usual.”

“Don’t lie, Papi, or I’ll have to put you over my knee.” She waggled a finger in his face.

“I certainly wasn’t lying,” he told her sternly. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Sometimes, I wish you were less stunning.”

“What? Papi!” What the hell?

“Because you attract too much attention, Preciosa. You are mine. I don’t like anyone looking at you and they certainly aren’t allowed to touch.”

Dear Lord.

His possessiveness was out of control.

And you like it.

No, she loved it. She adored how much he loved her, desired her.

It was nothing like how the Deity had wanted her. To him, she’d been a status symbol. Not a person. He’d never cared about her well-being.

Alejandro was always taking care of her, showing her how much he valued her.

But he was definitely nuts.

And that’s why they fit so well together. Because Cat was nuts too. Because she didn’t want anyone looking at him either.

However, none of that was the point right now. Obviously, he was going blind if he couldn’t see the huge flaw on her face.

“How can you not see it, Papi?”

“I’m searching, mi Pequeña. But I can’t see what you’re talking about.”

“Papi! Look at it.” She pointed to the side of her nose.

“Are you talking about that tiny pimple?”

“Yes, I’m talking about the pimple! Three days. We have three days to go and I have a pimple! This is a catastrophe.”

She didn’t understand how he could be so calm.

Probably because no pimple would ever dare turn up on his face.

And definitely not three days before his wedding.

This was terrible.

“Pequeña, it’s just a pimple.” He was using his ‘Cat’s losing her mind’ voice.

She heard it a lot.

Wait a minute . . . just a pimple? Just. A. Pimple!

Was he kidding her?

“No one will even notice it. Besides, the wedding is still three days away. That’s plenty of time to get rid of it.”

“Obviously, you have no idea how pimples work. They’re sneaky little assholes. Where there is one, others are just waiting to strike. They hunt in packs. This is about to become an outbreak. They’re coming for me . . . they’re going to take me down. All because I’ve been slightly stressed in the lead-up to this wedding.”

“Slightly stressed?” he murmured. “I think I have a repetitive strain injury from spanking your ass so much. The more stressed you become, the less inclined you seem to be to follow the rules.”

“Rules suck.”

“Rules are there to keep you safe and happy. Do you know how many times I’ve nearly called this wedding off?”


“Six now,” he said darkly. “And this time, it might stick.”

“You cannot call a wedding off with just days to go!”

“Why not?”

“There are deposits we’ll lose!”

“Pequeña, do you think I would ever put money before your health?”

Alejandro was very invested in her health and well-being, so she knew he wouldn’t. Just like she knew she’d sit a lot more comfortably if he was a little less invested.

And you wouldn’t feel the best you have in years.

Well . . . except for the added stress of organizing this wedding.

Who knew that weddings were so much work?

Not her.

And this was a small wedding!

Less than thirty people. She couldn’t even imagine what it would be like if she had a huge wedding.

“Mi Pequeña, the wedding is small,” Alejandro said, seemingly reading her mind. “And you’ve barely spent any money even though I gave you a budget.”

“Budget? Your budget was ridiculous! No one spends that much on a wedding. And a budget is something you’re supposed to stick to, not strive to spend. I can’t spend that much of your money.”

His face darkened, and immediately, she realized her mistake.


“Whose money?”

Cheese and crackers. That was his ‘you’re-about-to-get-your-butt-spanked’ voice.

Unfortunately, she it was another voice she knew well.

“Our money? I meant our money, Papi. Yours and mine. Even though you do everything to earn it, while all I do is sit around on my behind all day—hey! No, Papi! No!” she cried out as he spun her over in his lap so she was lying across his thighs.

“Sometimes, I think you say these things just to get a spanking.” He pulled the shirt she was wearing up over bottom.

As usual, it was one of his shirts. Cat liked wearing them to bed, unless she was in Little headspace.

Although . . . she had bought something special for their wedding night.

Their second wedding night since, technically, they were already married. Alejandro had refused to wait to plan a proper wedding. Nope. He’d wanted to claim her straight away. So, not long after his proposal they’d made it official, with just Reuben, Cairn, The Scot, and Doomy as witnesses.