But afterwards, she’d realized that part of her wanted the big day. To wear the princess dress. To walk down the aisle to where Alejandro would be crying in amazement and happiness.

Okay, perhaps scratch that last part. Cat couldn’t imagine Alejandro ever crying like that.

But he’d be staring at her like she was his world.

Because that’s how he always stared at her.

When she told Alejandro what she really wanted . . . he’d told her to make it happen.

And given her that ridiculous budget.

So that’s how she found herself here . . . three days out from her dream wedding.

With a pimple on her face.


“Papi, you cannot spank me,” she said imperiously.

“Oh no? And why is that?”

“Because I’m gonna get married soon. I’ll be your wife. You can’t spank your wife!”

She knew the argument was flawed. But desperate times and all that.

“You’re already my wife.”

Smack! Smack! Smack!

“Never forget who you belong to.”

Slap! Slap! Slap!

“Papi!” she cried. “Stop!”

“My wife. Our money. ¿Comprendes?”

Smack! Smack! Smack!

How many was he going to give her? She knew he hated when she referred to it as his money. But it was.

Cat just couldn’t get her head around how much money he had, nor how he expected her to just spend it as she liked.

Besides, she thought she spent plenty. She’d just bought a strap-on dildo the other day. She’d hidden it for a special occasion.

“Si, Papi!” she cried as he landed four more spanks to her ass.


So. Mean.

He slowly rubbed her ass. A sob escaped, tears dripping down her cheeks. “I’m s-sorry, Papi.”

“Come here, Preciosa,” he replied tenderly. He moved her so she straddled his lap, facing him. She buried her face in his chest as he rubbed her back.

“I will pull the plug on this wedding if I think it’s too much for you. No matter the cost or how close it is. Only reason I haven’t is because I know how much it means to you.”

“It means a lot. I just want it to be perfect.”

“It will be perfect no matter what. Because I’ll be marrying the woman who owns my heart. The woman who comes before everything else in my life because she is precious beyond measure.”

“Darn it, now I’m crying for a whole different reason.”

He drew her back so he could wipe her cheeks.

“I know you didn’t really want to do this. It’s a waste of time, and it’s an inconvenience—”

“None of that,” he growled. “Do I need to spank you again? A waste of time and inconvenience? Do I ever do something that is a waste of time?”

“Well . . . seems like spanking me often is.”

He snorted. “Spanking your ass is necessary for my sanity, mi Pequeña.”


“And anything that makes you smile could never be a waste or an inconvenience. Understand me?” He gently grabbed her chin, tilting her face back. “Besides, I don’t consider anything where I get to show people who you belong to a waste.”

Dear Lord.

“Papi!” She smacked his chest lightly.

“We’ve talked about hitting me. You’ll only hurt yourself and that’s not allowed.”

“This wedding is not about you showing people who I belong to.”

“Isn’t it? You get to show everyone who I belong to as well.”

Hmm. Okay, when he put it like that . . .

“Now, back to your catastrophe. I’m certain it will disappear before the big day, and if it doesn’t, you’ll still be the most beautiful bride.”

She sighed. It was nice of him to say so . . . but this was her wedding. There would be photos.

And she really did think that pimples traveled in packs.

Maybe she needed some sort of face mask or treatment. Immy might know.

“I need to go call Immy and Maeve,” she muttered, trying to climb off his lap.

“After you get dressed and eat breakfast.” He stood and moved to the walk-in closet to finish dressing.

“Breakfast? I’m dealing with a disaster here.”

“Breakfast, mi Pequeña. Then you can call your friends. And you’ll be having a nice, long nap this afternoon. I don’t like how stressed you look.”

“Papi, there is no time for a nap! I’ve got too much to do.”

Was he for real right now? How could she nap when her to-do list was a mile long?

Walking back, he cupped her face between his hands. “You’ll have a nap. You haven’t had much free time lately, and I’ve let you get away with too much. That’s stopping now.”

Him? Let her get away with stuff?

The man was delusional.

“And then he told me that the pimple would disappear, and even if it didn’t, I’d still look beautiful. Well, of course I will! But that doesn’t mean I want a pimple on my wedding day. And look! Look! I can feel a second one coming up! This is a disaster!”

“We can fix this! I swear,” Immy told her frantically. “Shoot. I wish we were with you already. I’d have more of an idea of what to do.”