She sure hoped so because she hated how on edge everyone was. At least they were prepared for the Deity’s next attack. He wouldn’t be getting close to any of them.

Her phone buzzed and she checked it. “Ooh, my surprise is here!”

“What surprise?” Maeve asked.

“I got us a unicorn!”

“A unicorn?” Immy asked. “You got a unicorn? Don’t you have enough stuffed toys?”

“Pfft. This is so much better than a stuffed toy. Come on! Come see!” She raced off. This was going to be so much fun!

“Um, Cat?” Maeve said, sounding slightly nervous.


“That’s a horse,” Immy said.

“Now, it’s a horse. But once we’re finished getting it ready, it will be a unicorn. I have all the necessary stuff.”

Maeve and Immy just gaped at her as she led the horse over to the eight-car garage. Seriously, who needed eight cars? And this was their holiday house.

At least one bay could work for her unicorn.

She opened the door with the remote and led the horse inside.

“Come on, Glitter Princess.” She clucked her tongue at the horse. Because that’s what you did, right?

“Cat, it’s a live horse. Like an actual living creature,” Maeve said.

“I know.”

“Where did it come from?” Immy asked.

“It’s amazing what you can buy online with a credit card. And for a fee, they delivered.”

“I can’t believe you bought a horse. Alejandro is going to kill you,” Immy breathed out. “How did you even get him past the guards at the gate without them letting Alejandro know?”

“Um, I might have implied that he already knew and that the horse was here for the party.”

“Yep, you are in so much trouble,” Immy told her.

She handed Maeve the rope thingee so she could hold the horse. She was going to have to learn the different names for things, she guessed.

“Alejandro won’t care. I’m going to take care of him. Besides, he’s not a horse.” She dragged out a big bag she’d stashed in the garage, then she drew out some colorful ribbons, brushes, and a giant horn. “He’s a unicorn!”

Alejandro frowned.

He didn’t believe in telepathy or extra senses or anything. But he really felt the urge to find Cat.

Right. Now.

“I’ll be back soon,” he said. “I just need to go check on the girls.”

Sampson frowned over at him. “Something’s wrong with the girls?”

Gray stood. “What?”

“No. I just want to check on them. They’ve been far too quiet.”

“It’s his Cat’s-being-naughty instinct going off,” Reuben joked.

“I’ll come with you,” Gray said.

Everyone else nodded and suddenly, they were all following him. He searched the house but couldn’t find them. Just as he walked into the foyer, he spotted Bernard carrying a bag of apples and another of carrots outside.

Not suspicious at all.

“Does that seem weird?” Gray asked.

“Oh, yep,” Reuben said with a laugh. “Definitely weird.”

“Fuck,” Alejandro muttered. They followed Bernard out to the garage. Walking in quietly behind him, he came to a sudden stop.

“Why the hell is there a horse in my garage?”

Immy jumped and Maeve let out a small squeak. Both Jenner and Gray moved to them. But Cat just sighed and turned to give him a sassy look.

“Papi, it’s clearly not a horse.”

“Then what the hell is it?”

“Ooh, let me, Boss,” The Scot said. “It’s a unicorn, right?”

She grinned at The Scot. “Right. That means you’re allowed to ride it. Although I might have to check the weight limit.”

“Hey! Rude!” The Scot said, although he was grinning.

Reuben started laughing. “Did you plait that poor horse’s hair? And put a horn on him?”

“Where the hell did you even get him?” Sampson asked, looking baffled.

“Online,” Cat said cheerfully. “Isn’t he gorgeous?”

“Bernard,” Alejandro said in a low voice.

“I had nothing to do with this!” Bernard put the bags of apples and carrots down, then hightailed it out of there.

“That was rude,” Cat said, frowning at him.

“Kitten, you are not keeping a horse in my garage.”

“Well, of course not,” she said impatiently. “Because he’s a unicorn.”

Calm. “You are not keeping a unicorn either.”

She pouted. “But Papi, I always wanted a unicorn. I think you’re being very mean.”

“Yes, Alejandro, I think you’re being very mean,” Reuben agreed.

Alejandro shot him a look. “One day soon, you’ll find a Little of your own. Then you won’t find this so funny.”

Reuben grinned. “My Little would never be this naughty.”

“She’ll be hanging out with Cat, won’t she?”

Reuben paled.

“Come, Pequeña mocosa. I think it’s time we had a little chat.” He took hold of her hand, leading her away.

“I think we all know what he means by chat,” Sampson said, sounding shocked.

There was a chorus of agreements.

“Rude,” Cat muttered.

“You are such trouble,” he murmured to her, lightly patting her bottom. “But you’re my trouble.”

Cat smiled as she looked out at everyone sitting around the pool at their Southampton mansion. It was a sunny spring day, and although the air was a bit crisp still, they were all taking advantage of the warmer weather.