“Happy, mi Pequeña?” Alejandro asked, coming to sit with her on the oversized sun lounger.

“Happier than I could ever express.”

She glanced over at where her mother was talking to Jake and Elsie. Elsie had her arm around her while Jake watched over them both protectively. She’d spoken to them both about enlisting their help to get Mama to talk to a therapist and they’d agreed to try.

They were amazing friends and Cat was glad that Mama had them.

Doomy’s lady friend was too scared to let him close again, which she was really sad about.

She was going to have to find him a new girlfriend. Hmm. She’d get right onto that.

Cat wished that she could do something for Nighthawk. He was still depressed and quiet, although Alejandro had been working on getting him to move somewhere else. She hoped that would help him.

Her gaze slid over to where Maeve sat with Immy. Gray was behind her, watching over her while Tobias stood close to Immy. Reuben was with them as well, although he was looking at his phone with a frown.

Jenner was glaring at Tobias and she sighed. Shoot. She didn’t want to know what was going on there.

Sampson, Abe, and Isaiah were talking to Cairn and The Scot. Hmm, Isaiah looked a bit pale. He needed to get out from behind his computer more often.

Sampson moved his gaze around. Always protective. Always watchful.

While Abe backed him up quietly. She was so glad they were all here. Rafael had bailed, but she understood. He wasn’t the socializing type.

“I’m glad. All I ever want is for you to be happy.” He moved her so she was lying over him, then he wrapped his arms around her. “I love you, mi Pequeña. Forever and ever.”

“Forever, Papi.” She paused. “But talking about making me happy. If I can’t keep Glitter Princess, how do you feel about a goat called Rambo . . .”


“All right, but I saw this amusement park was closing down and selling off their rollercoaster . . .”


“Maybe not the rollercoaster, but how about the carousel?”

“We’ll see.”

Cat grinned. She was totally getting that carousel.


José Diaz married Isabel (née Lopez).

- Dante Diaz (son)

Juan Diaz married Anita (née De Leon)

- Alejandro De Leon (son)

José Diaz - - - Anita Diaz

- Ortega Diaz (son)

Isabel Diaz married Hector Sanchez

- Bonnie Sanchez (Hector’s daughter)


*I have tried not to spoil anything from the story so some characters may be missing*

Catarina De Leon: Alejandro’s Little.

Alejandro De Leon: Crime boss of New York City and Cat’s Papi.

Reuben: Lawyer who works for Alejandro. His sister is Juliet from Her Daddies’ Saving Grace.

The Scot: Alejandro’s bodyguard.

Cairn: Alejandro’s bodyguard.

Mikey: One of Alejandro’s men.

Nico: One of Alejandro’s men.

Gage: One of Alejandro’s men.

Tobias: One of Alejandro’s men.

Nighthawk: Alejandro’s hacker.

Aaron: Alejandro’s personal doctor.

Bernard aka Doomy Gloomy: Alejandro’s butler.

Mrs. Heckler: Alejandro’s housekeeper in his Southampton mansion.

Rafael: Cat’s bodyguard.

Dante Diaz: Alejandro’s cousin.

Ortega Diaz: Alejandro’s half-brother – and Dante’s half-brother.

Bonnie: Dante’s stepsister – first introduced to her in Saving Daddy.

Cash: Sav’s brother – we meet him in Saving Daddy

Ralen: Cash’s friend – first introduced to him in Saving Daddy.

Titus: Bonnie’s bodyguard – first introduced to him in Saving Daddy

Juan Diaz: Alejandro’s father.

José Diaz: Juan’s brother and Dante and Ortega’s father.

Isabel Sanchez née Diaz: Dante’s mother.

Anita Diaz née De Leon: Alejandro and Ortega’s mother.

Jenner: Singer. Cat’s friend. Grew up in the Cult with her.

Sampson: Jenner’s bodyguard and brother. Cat’s friend. Grew up in the Cult with her.

Isaiah: Good with computers. Cat’s friend. Grew up in the Cult with her.

Abe: Jenner’s manager. Cat’s friend. Grew up in the Cult with her.

Immy: Jenner’s personal assistant. Cat’s friend. Grew up in the Cult with her.

Maeve: Cat’s friend. Grew up in the Cult with her. Also Gray’s Little.

Gray: Maeve’s Daddy. Their story is Daddy’s Obsession.

Tabby: Razor’s Little. Their story is Fierce Daddy.

Bert and Ernie: Cat’s kidnappers

Penelope Perez: Cat’s mother.

Jake and Elsie: Penelope’s friends who took care of Cat after Penelope disappeared.

Pete Sanderson: Cat’s father.

Agent Lochlan Stubbs ‘Stubby’: FBI agent who helped destroy the Cult.

The Deity: He was the leader of the Cult who

Sentinels: These were men who did the Deity’s dirty work in the Cult.

Vince: Used to run the money laundering in New York City, until Alejandro killed him for attacking Cat. He was having an affair with Starla: Worked at Michelle’s. Destroyed Cat’s apartment. Was captured by Alejandro’s men and killed by Mikey.

Felipe Ruiz: Dante’s enemy.

Gavin: A Cleaner. If a body needs to disappear call Gavin.

The Cleaner: Also cleans up dead bodies and messes.

Elena: Alejandro’s ex who betrayed him years ago.