Page 20 of Until Beckett

“You know you can come in.” I chuckled through the door at her as she cracked it open slightly, allowing more light in. “That’s a bit better. What time is it?”

“Well, it’s close to ten thirty now, but you know how long it can take to get the kids ready.” November smiled widely through the sliver of an opening she was standing in, as if she really didn’t want to disturb us. I glanced over at the still sleeping pair of Corey and Mila and just shook my head. It seemed that a disturbed night was on the cards last night for us, and there was nothing we could have done to prepare for it. It was just lucky that the two of us helped one another. “I wanted to leave you as long as possible.”

“Well, for some reason, Mila couldn’t settle fully,” I admitted thinking deep down she probably sensed the changes in routine and everything happening around her. “I’ll wake Corey up in a minute and let him know. Then we’ll wake the little princess. I just wanted to say…” I glanced over at Corey. “Thank you.”

“You make him happy, Beckett, even if he’s only just discovering that. Nothing else matters to Asher and me,” November replied. “Everyone else will feel the same, you know.”

“I’m leaving it at Corey’s pace,” I admitted. “If I could scream it out to the whole world that he was mine, I would. But I think Corey needs to be in control of who knows and when. If he even wants anyone else to know—”

“I get that.” November sighed. “He’s doing something so brave, especially after Isabella. Not many people could show the strength he has.”

“Yeah, I agree with that,” I whispered as she pointed down to the drinks on the floor in front of the door. “We’ll be out soon, okay?”

“Of course,” she replied back. “No rush.”

The two of us didn’t take long to get ready after November woke us this morning. I was surprised the moment the door shut again, and Corey’s eyes flicked open, and he revealed a smirk across his face, showing me that he’d been listening in on our conversation the whole time. It wasn’t like I was bothered, though; I had no secrets from him. The only issue was, as I turned to kiss him a good morning, I realized the morning wood he was sporting couldn’t fit into our schedule, which meant now the two of us would be frustrated all day long.

“Did you let Susan and James know about Beckett being here too?” November asked as we all headed up the path toward the door of the farmhouse. “Asher?”

The noise coming from inside assured me that we weren’t the first to arrive. Asher had reminded me that all his brothers should be in attendance today, which meant lots of children running around and excitement bouncing off the walls. I thought Asher was maybe concerned after he’d heard about what I’d done with my job that it would be a little bit too close to home for me being around so many children so soon, but it didn’t faze me in the slightest.

“Yeah, of course.” Asher smiled. “She didn’t mind in the slightest. The more the merrier in her mind.”

The moment we stepped inside and headed deeper into the farmhouse, everyone swarmed around us with greetings, and Susan quickly headed toward us and swooped Mila out of Corey’s arms.

“Hasn’t she gotten so big?” she exclaimed as James stood behind her, resting his hand on her shoulder. “I can’t believe it. It’s so good to see you, Corey.” Then she turned to me and smiled widely. “You too, Beckett. I’ll let you get reacquainted with everyone while I go and play with this little one.” She tickled under her chin and Mila giggled back. “Have fun.”

I glanced around the room and couldn’t believe how many familiar people were here. It made my heart sing with joy seeing Cash and Nico in the corner having a drink as Trevor and Liz walked back into the room with little Callum and Hanna in tow. Lily and Sophie were sitting and talking together, keeping a watchful eye over Jax, Ashlin, Willow, and Harmony. Then Asher and November headed into the mix with their three little ones. It was the perfect picture of family and love. A place where everyone supported one another and grew together in one close-knit community. It’s what I dreamed of for Corey and Mila. I know it wasn’t the original plan for him and his princess, but I’d do everything to give them both the world if he let me be part of it.

Corey sighed at the sight, looking emotional. I could understand why, though.

“Are you okay?” I asked him in concern, desperately wanting to reach out and hold his hand but knowing it wasn’t my place to do so, especially in front of so many people. “I get this may be tough for you.”

“It just makes me think of what Mila could have had,” he whispered, brushing his knuckles casually against mine and making me swallow down the spark that had instantly shot straight through my body. “It brings back those memories, but now it makes me think of what the future holds for the three of us together. I mean, in the long term wouldn’t it be nice for Mila to have this?”

“Children to run around with, friends, and the support of others,” I uttered, watching everyone in the room. “I think it’s a goal we could aim for if you really wanted it.”

“You mean ifwereally wanted it,” Corey replied, glancing up at me with his beautiful eyes that punched me hard in the chest every time I glanced deep within them. “We make decisions together now, okay? It’s the three of us.”

“Corey,” I began, turning to face him just as James appeared in the doorway with a cooing Mila in his arms.

“Shall we gather the kids together and head to clean up? We’re about to serve lunch,” he said as Corey took the little princess from him, and she immediately snuggled into his chest and gave a small smile. I could relate, thinking how I loved to snuggle into his hard chest too. “I guess you’re all starving.”

“You know us all too well. Please tell me it’s beef.” Nico crossed his fingers as Trevor scowled at him.

“No, surely, it’s got to be pork this week,” Trevor replied as the group chuckled at the bickering between them. You wouldn’t think they were grown men with their families and not the children in the room.

“If you go and clean up, then you’ll find out, won’t you?” James replied before cocking his head to the side. “Come on now, you don’t want it going cold, do you?”

“Absolutely not,” Asher scoffed as he marched past us all. “I’m not hanging around waiting for you all to be ready,” he mumbled as he headed to the bathroom with the children in tow.

“Come on, you, we better make a move and get in line before everyone else does,” I said to Corey. “I can’t wait for Susan’s roast. I loved it when we had it all those years back. I can’t wait to try it again.” My stomach grumbled in agreement. “You used to love it, too, if I remember right.”

“Everyone loves a roast by this woman. Damn.” He smirked at me. “They’re just that good,” Corey replied as we joined the queue in preparation before heading into the dining area. “I could eat so much.” He waggled his eyes at me and whispered under his breath for my ears only, “I mean, I didn’t get any breakfast this morning, did I? It was really a shame.”

I choked at the innuendo just as he threw his head back in laughter, and Asher came out of the bathroom and shook his head at the two of us.

“What am I going to do with them, Mila?” Asher chuckled as he placed a kiss on her head before heading past us. “They’re just so perfect.”