“More than you could ever know,” Beckett growled as his warm palm squeezed my hand tightly and held me closely by his side. “You fucking know how to catch me totally off guard and knock me flying on my ass, but I’ll keep on getting up for you.” He pushed the door open and awaited my next instruction as he took in the immaculate bedroom around us. It seemed like he’d noticed the neat freak in me was starting to return, and I was beginning to come out of the unkempt, unruly side I’d been in for such a long while. “Corey?”
“I want you to take those clothes off and then get onto my bed and allow me to admire every damn inch of you as I slowly undress myself,” I said with a purr as Beckett nodded and gulped harshly, watching me intently. It was as if he were scared that I was saying what he wanted me to, rather than what was in my heart. The thing was, he shouldn’t have any worries about that because I may be nervous and uncertain, but I’d never felt more at home with Beckett by my side. “I want to see every inch of that tanned sexy skin, baby, and explore it with my tongue and hands.”
His eyebrow hitched up slightly as his layers of clothing were discarded on the ground in a heap. I’d never seen someone so visceral and sexy in all my life—the flexed abdominal muscles I could balance a plate of food on, to the corded shoulders I desperately wanted to see water trickling down. It was as if I’d had a switch flipped on in my mind—a knock to the head even—because drooling over my best friend had never been something I’d ever thought could happen. Then again, I never thought I’d be a single dad, but here I was.
I quickly took off my own clothes and confidently marched over to the sexy guy waiting for me before tapping the drawer of the bedside cabinet.
“Do you want me to look inside?” he asked.
“Yes,” I growled as my hands continued exploring his body, as if I’d found my new home. “Open it and take out what’s inside.”
I watched Beckett with intrigued fascination, wondering if he’d put a stop to this. In my mind I had to know if I was really it for him like he kept saying, like I wanted to be.
“I want to fuck you,” I said as he lifted the lube and condoms out of the drawer. “I want to feel it all with you, Beckett.”
“Then, let me show you exactly what to do.” He reached for my hand and brought it straight to the crease of his ass. “I need you to make me ready for you. I need you to prepare me so I can take you.”
“You want to do this, baby?” I gasped. “You’re not going to tell me—”
“Call me baby again,” Beckett growled fiercely. “You’re already making me weep.” He indicated to his hard length, making my own twitch. “I told you. I’m all in, and always will be.”
“I think I finally know that now, baby.” I winked as Beckett bit down on his lip and pulled me closer to his mouth. “Baby, baby… bab—”
My heart had never been so full and content as it was in this very moment. The way Corey had been true to himself—to me—made everything seem so much less fearful and worrisome than it had first appeared. The way he no longer swallowed his inner most feelings and emotions, instead analyzing them with me and allowing me in. He finally gave me the opportunity to share these moments of newfound feelings with him without running away from me.
It was as if it was a whole new experience for him, learning that his heart desired men—well, one guy—and not just females any longer. It meant refocusing his whole mindset, especially on social acceptances and what he thought of others’ opinions. It didn’t matter to me in the slightest, but to him… I could see why it would.
It didn’t stop him, though. Telling me to undress for him, touching and kissing me, exploring my body, and fuck, wanting to light me up from the inside out. I thought I couldn’t feel any more at that moment, but when Corey made it point-blank clear that he wanted this now, I wasn’t about to turn him away. Not now, not ever.
“I’m ready for you, baby.” I quivered and groaned at the loss as I watched Corey remove his fingers from my hole. He only needed my guidance at first before he took over and instantly ran the show himself. I’d never been so fucking turned on as pre-cum leaked from my hard length. I had to will myself not to come hard right now from the simple finger fucking from my best friend. “Please—” I moaned. “Cover that thick cock of yours up and then lather it with that lube. I need to feel that sweet, heated burn…”
“Fuck,” Corey said on a groan as he bit down on his lip. “I never knew how much I’d love hearing you talk dirty to me, but damn…” I watched him instinctively roll the condom on and cover his cock in lube before fisting his length a couple times. “Is this what you want?”
“Yes, now fuck me. Take me and truly make me yours,” I demanded as he let out a long-held breath and instantly took control, giving me those inches, I craved as he took my tight hole. “Yes, Corey, give me it all.” I gasped as he breached the tight ring of muscle. “I need it. I need all of you.”
I’d never experienced anything like it. The way Corey’s facial expressions showed such ecstasy and joy. He was obsessed by me—by us—and wasn’t freaking out by what we were doing. It was as if I’d unlocked a whole new pleasure within him that he had to explore.
The whole afternoon we didn’t just fuck one another. We made sweet memories and love together, exploring one another’s bodies, learning what made each other tick, until we knew our time alone was drawing to a close and we had to prepare for Asher and November to return with Mila and their kids.
It was a perfect day. One I wish I could repeat over and over again.
“I take it you two had a good day?” Asher asked, wiggling his eyebrows at the two of us. “Or…?”
“We did,” Corey confirmed, reaching for my hand and interlocking our fingers together. “We really did. We talked through a lot of things together. I just wanted to say, though…” He coughed. “November, you won’t have any surprises with Beckett on the sofa tonight. He’ll be in the spare room with me.”
I watched the two of them look at one another, and the acceptance and happiness radiating from them was exactly what Corey needed to see. This was a huge moment for him—for the two of us—as he stood tall, admitting his feelings for me. I’d never been so proud and grateful for these people in our lives. The way they treated the two of us and remained supportive meant the world. I knew deep down Corey had the fear of rejection and conflict with people because of Isabella, but I knew his true friends would only care for one thing—for him and Mila to be happy.
I think I’d never wanted anything more in my life before either.
* * *
Tap,tap, tap. I looked up at the sun beaming through the window and realized that morning had come upon us way too quickly after what we’d shared together last night.
“I’ll leave the drinks outside here for you both,” November called through the closed door. “We need to start thinking about getting ready to head to Sunday lunch. I get Mila was up all night, but—”