Page 16 of Learning to Walk

The ridiculous question had them blinking in confusion and seemed to take a minute to adjust to. They’d probably assumed I’d ask something naughty but keeping them on their toes seemed like the better plan.

Cashel found his words first. “That wasn’t fair. But, um, I like to bake? So I enjoy a lot of different things.”

Oh, that was good to know.

“I’d wondered who made the cakes.” I couldn’t resist perking up as he smiled and blushed. “It was hard to figure that out. Can I say I like anything chocolate that comes in a cake form without seeming greedy?”

Gareth nearly giggled. “Yes, but you have to put in your request in enough time for us to remember to buy the ingredients.”

The way Cashel rolled his eyes said there was a story I couldn’t remember. I let my gaze bounce between them and mentally sorted through their recent conversations. “Brady’s mother. You have to talk her into going grocery shopping.”

That had them both laughing and as it trailed off, Gareth sighed dramatically. “We really are too loud.”

“What did I say about that?” Giving him a mock glare like he’d been naughty had him squirming slightly and looking sweetly sheepish…it brought my mind right back to spanking him, but he didn’t seem to realize that, so I behaved.

“You…you like hearing us.” The blush that crept over his face made me smile, but it was the way Cashel was studying both of us knowingly that made me reconsider the avoid-the-spanking plan.

“I do.” Nodding slowly, I leaned over toward Cashel. “He was very naughty to forget that. I think I’m going to have to help him to remember to be a good boy later.”

Cashel let out the softest, barely audible whine before cutting it off and letting out a breath. It would’ve been delightfully obvious if Gareth hadn’t been sitting there with his mouth open in utter shock.

They were so cute.

After a moment, Cashel nodded slowly and swallowed. “I… Yes, that’s probably a good idea. He’ll keep worrying over it unless you…unless you make an impression on him.”

I had the best partner in crime.

Hmm, maybe he wasn’t just a sub?

That’d come out a bit too easily.

“A spanking would definitely make an impression.” As we teased Gareth, his mouth closed and his eyes darted back and forth like he was connecting the dots. “I want to make it clear that he shouldn’t hide things from me and he shouldn’t worry about pleasing my nosy side. It’s very important to remember.”

Because not knowing was painful.

I loved every fascinating person in the building, and I couldn’t imagine them all being boring and hiding the shenanigans they got up to.

What if I’d missed out on the crickets?

What if I’d missed out on both grumpy guys finding love?

What if the three cuties upstairs kept their budding romance so quiet that I’d missed the drunk night?

That would’ve been tragic.

Cashel was doing his best and getting into the spirit of things. He even nodded again and managed not to sound panicked. “He might need more than one reminder. He’s kind of an apologetic worrier by nature.”

“Don’t worry.” Sitting up straighter, I winked at Gareth as I pretended to stay focused on what Cashel was saying. “I don’t mind hard work. If it takes several spankings, I won’t complain.”

Because based on Gareth’s needy wiggles…he liked the idea.

But did he understand that?

Chapter 5


He’d spank me for worrying.