Page 17 of Learning to Walk

He’d help me remember to be good.

Okay, I was starting to understand why Brady didn’t mind frustrating Jude sometimes.

The wink said Downstairs Guy was teasing, but something about it felt just real enough to have a tornado whirling in my stomach. It pinned me in place as it spun and even made my dick hard for fuck knew what reason.

Yeah, Brady might’ve been on to something.

It probably shouldn’t have surprised me because he was incredibly smart but what made it even harder to understand was the way Cash played along.

He was so good at it.

The tornado liked him too.

He was my best friend so that was probably why but Downstairs Guy seemed to be having fun including him. He really was good at making sure everything was fair and no one was left out. Brady’s mom was going to like what good manners he had.

“I’m sorry. I just…” Oh, I’d apologized again.

Downstairs Guy’s eyes sparkled with something happy and wicked, but Cash was trying not to laugh. He probably had a good reason, though, because the only thing that wanted to come out was an apology for apologizing.

Would a spanking help me remember to stop doing that?

Before I could even begin to figure that question out, Downstairs Guy shook his head and sighed. “Yes, I see I’ve got my work cut out for me, but like I said, I don’t mind hard work.”

Was spanking me hard work?

Was he talking about doing it several times?

Did we need to have more dates in between or were the two things not connected?

I couldn’t remember Brady’s spankings having much of a connection to dates after their first one, but I wasn’t sure if I’d missed something important there because of Jude’s crankiness.

“I…” Shoot. I managed not to apologize again but I wasn’t sure what else to say. “Thank you for taking us out on a date.”

Cash’s snicker said he thought I was stupid, but Downstairs Guy gave me a big smile. “Oh, if you keep saying sweet things like that, I can guarantee you’ll love your spanking.”


Cash’s shoulders were shaking as he tried not to laugh again, but he was doing such a bad job I knew he’d gotten the threat…promise? Giving up on looking smart on the date, I leaned around the tiny table. “How can he promise that?”

He couldn’t seem to decide if he wanted to laugh or roll his eyes more, but he finally huffed and leaned in to whisper back. “He’s going to make you come, moron.”

He was?

He could promise that?

“I still don’t understand how he can promise that.” How did it make Brady so happy? Why did he keep doing things to make Jude drag him downstairs? Why did he get so smiley and stupid after it?

“Because he knows how hard it’s going to make you and he knows it’ll be easy to get you off.” Downstairs Guy winked again as he leaned across the table and talked about himself in the third person. “He can see how just thinking about it is making you hard.”

He could?

I managed not to look down at my lap, but it was close.

“Should I double-check that?” His eyes sparkled when it took me a few seconds too long to figure out what he meant. “Oh, so innocent. I love it.”


“I…” What was I supposed to say to that? “We haven’t finished our first date?”