Page 90 of Fighting Her Wolves

“No, the sexiest thing I’ve worn is skimpy panties.” I cringe.

“You should wear one of their shirts,” Harmony says. “They will love it. You’ll be covered in their scent.”

“With nothing under it. Easy access,” Marie says, surprising us all. She has secrets beneath her quiet exterior.

“Light some candles,” Serenity suggests.

“Music. You have to have music,” Marie contributes.

“Get some whipped cream and strawberries,” Penny says. “They can lick the whipped cream off.”

“She doesn’t want to get all sticky before turning into a wolf,” Serenity scoffs.

“They lick it off; she won’t be sticky.” Penny rolls her eyes.

“These are all great ideas, but I think I’ll go with my gut on this one,” I break in.

“Alright, but I’m telling you, guys like food. Especially River. They like food and sex; put them together, and bam, you have them eating out of the palm of your hand. Or off your breasts,” she cackles.

“I appreciate the advice,” I soothe their wounded expressions. “I know them. I know what they’ll enjoy.” A bold idea floods my head. “I could use some help, though. I can’t set this up by myself,” I say mysteriously.

“Oh, yeah, I like the idea already,” Penny gushes.

“We’ll do whatever you need,” Serenity says.

I stand up and look at them all seriously. “I need you to cuff me to the bed.”


I don’t know how long ago the girls left. After gasps of shock and excitement, they jumped into action. They hustled me into the shower, even though I assured them I had already taken one. I showered, shaved, and dried my hair. I dressed in River’s dress shirt and nothing else. I searched for Kerian’s cuffs that Harmony said smelled like him.

I climbed onto my bed. Between last-minute advice and naughty laughter, the girls attached my wrists in the cuffs and to the headboard. They cleaned up downstairs and enlisted James to pick them up. The plan was to cut the boys' night out short, tell them I was tired, and get them home.

I had visions of being stuck to the bed if they didn’t follow through.

I’m glad they let me vent and get all my fears out. I’m sure this is what I want, and although their suggestions on seducing techniques were sexy and interesting, I know what my wolves would love to see. Me at their mercy. They both are dominant. For me to give them my trust in this way, without being told or convinced to do it, would mean more to them.

I’m ready. Whatever happens, or however long the change would take, will be worth it.

The alarm goes off downstairs, and my body tenses with anticipation. Their laughter cuts off abruptly.

“Ava?” Kerian calls.

“In my room,” I yell. “Can you both come up here?”

“Are you okay?” River asks, concerned.

“Yes,” I reply.

Their steps up the stairs cause my heart to speed up. Giving them this kind of control is out of my comfort zone.

They freeze when they see me. Their shocked faces travel over me.

“I’m ready.” I smile slowly.

Chapter Twenty-Six
