Page 62 of Healing the Storm

Good enough that I was able to swing the monthly payments, hopefully.

“Okay, Miss Mato.” The older gentleman stuck his head in the door, the keys in his hand. “You’re all ready to go. I take it that someone will be meeting you to pick up the truck you came in.”

I nodded. “They should be here anytime.” I stood to my feet, shaking his hand as I headed out of the small office, Takoda following me. Luckily, the dealer had been fairly accommodating of my dog. I made my way to the lobby, my heart racing as I took a left turn, slipping down the hallway to the bathroom.

I just want to get this over with.

Shutting the one room bathroom door behind myself and Takoda, I flipped the lock on the door. I put the car keys on the counter, reached into my purse and pulled out the pregnancy test I had bought at the local drugstore before coming to look at the Tahoe I had found online. Amidst all the chaos, I had completely missed that I was nearly a week and a half late for my period.

“But I’ve never been regular,” I said to myself as I ripped the packaging open. “Everything is probably just fine.”

Takoda sat on the rug by the door of the bathroom, tilting his head at me. I laughed at him for a moment, before pouring over the test instructions. I needed to do it right the first time, because there was no way in hell I wanted to feel this anxiety again.

And what am I supposed to do if itispositive?

Wade had made it clear that he didn’t want me to stay, and even if that was rooted in fear of his feelings for me, it didn’t change the fact that he said it—and then had avoided me for days afterward. I took it as meaning that things were over between us...

And so, what was I supposed to do if I was pregnant?

I didn’t want to be the kind of woman that tried to trap him with a pregnancy, and I didn’t even want a family, anyway...

But I also couldn’t stomach the idea ofnothaving the baby if I was pregnant.

I’m not pregnant, so it doesn’t even matter.

“It’s just for peace of mind,” I told myself one last time before unbuttoning my pants and taking the cap off the test. “It’s going to be negative, and then everything is going to be just fine. I’ll leave today, just like I said I would.”

But my words felt empty.

Step by step, I followed the test’s instructions, ending with sitting it on the bathroom counter. Taking a ragged, nervous breath, I stepped back. I wrapped my arms around myself...

And then waited.

“It’s nothing. It’s nothing,” I said to Takoda, who was still in the same spot he had been, watching the whole scene play out from the comfort of the rug.

And with no worries whatsoever.

He whined as the minutes ticked by, spinning and scratching at the door.

“We’re almost done.” I walked over and gave him a pat on the head, my hands trembling as I did so. I felt nauseous, and my head spun as I saw the hands on the clock tick by.

It was time.

I walked straight to the counter, picked up the test, and onlythendid I glance down at the results.


My mouth went dry as I took in the two pink lines.

“Cheyenne?” Hazel’s voice called from the other side of the door. “Is everything okay? Fred says you’ve been in there a while.”

“Uh...” I called back, my eyes still laser-focused on the test in my hand—thepositivetest. “I... I think I need a minute.” Tears formed in my eyes as I slid down the wall to the floor, the overwhelming news crashing into my chest like a ton of bricks.

I’m pregnant.

Takoda trotted over to me, climbed into my lap, and rested his head on my shoulder, doing his best to comfort me. He might not be able to read a pregnancy test, but I knew he could read my emotions.

“Are you sick?” Hazel’s voice came from the other side of the door again. “You’ve got me worried, Chey.”