Page 61 of Healing the Storm

“Well, I’m sure that she’s coming back. I just gave Lindy all her laundry to get done while she’s gone to town. I don’t think she’d skip out without that.”

I nodded, though I didn’t buy it. I wouldn’t put it past Cheyenne to skip the goodbyes, and get out of town—just because of everything I had done. I owed her another apology, and this time, it left me feeling even more panicked than before.

“Where are you going?” Mom called after me as I headed right out of the kitchen toward the stairs.

“I just gotta get something out of my room.”

And see if her stuff is actually still there.

I caught myself nearlyrunningthrough the house, my feet pounding up the stairs. I mean, I didn’t want to believe that Cheyenne might just leave, but I didn’t believe her. I was an asshole, just like Hazel had pointed out.

And maybe I am in love with her.

I swung the bedroom door open, my eyes scanning the room. She didn’t have much, and so honestly, there wasn’t much there to look for. However, her black bagwasthere on the bed. I went to it, peering inside the open bag.

Everything was there—but it waspacked.

All her toiletries, soaps, documents, etc. were all there. The only thing missing were her clothes. So shewasplanning on leaving ASAP. My head began to spin at the thought, though I knew that I still had time to maybe change her mind.

Because Iwantedher to stay.

I just sucked at everything when it came to relationships...

“But I can work on that,” I said under my breath, spinning around and heading out of the bedroom. I shut the door behind me, taking the stairs a couple at a time. I needed to do something to make things right with her—what are those things called in romance movies?

Romantic gestures.

My socks were slick on the freshly polished floors as I headed back through the kitchen, my mom still there.

“What are you in a hurry for?”

“I just need to do something for Cheyenne.”

“Like stop her from leaving town?” Mom’s voice was tinged with amusement, and I whipped my head around to look at her. “What?” She shrugged. “I knew that this would happen. You’ve been head over heels for that woman since you brought her home in the storm. I’m old, but I’m not stupid, honey.”

I laughed at the funny look on her face. “You’re the smartest woman I know.”

“No, that’s definitely Hazel,” she countered, shaking her head. “I swear your sister is one of the most intelligent women I’ve ever met—though Cheyenne comes pretty close. I wouldn’t mind having her as a daughter-in-law, you know. The two of you would make some really cute babies, too.”

“All right, Mom. Don’t get ahead of yourself,” I grunted, rolling my eyes and slipping out of the house. I racked my brain for something romantic to do for her—something that would tell her that Iwantedher to stay.

I headed back to the barn, hoping to track down Hazel, but instead, all I saw was her truck’s taillights in the driveway, more than likely heading off to go and pick up the ranch truck...

Which meant that Cheyenne bought a vehicle.

Stepping into the barn, I fought back the innate instinct not to just give up in the moment, resigning to the idea that she was just going to leave. I took a deep breath, blowing out a sharp exhale as I looked around. I hadneverbeen the kind of guy that came up with romantic shit for a woman. I didn’t watch the movies, read the books, or pay any attention to what women liked.

But I do know Cheyenne.

I scanned the aisle, horses nickering and moving about in the stalls. Chewing the inside of my cheek, my eyes landed on Roanie, peeking her head out of the stall.

Of course.



My knee bounced up and down while I waited for the dealership salesman to bring me the keys to the Tahoe I had just purchased. It was nearly out of my price range, but luckily, the hail damage on the hood from the storms had led to me getting a good deal.