Page 126 of Kings Have No Mercy

I wipe at my eyes and shudder out a breath. “My father was trying to leave the Reapers. He wanted out.”

Mason nods. “The story goes, he tried to leave, but the prez at the time thought he was the rat. So he had the other members track him down and kill him. Your mom tried to interfere, so they killed her too.”

“But I survived.”

“The cops found you on the side of the highway, crying in the rain.”

Suddenly, I remember. I had stood there for over an hour, soaked through, beside the dead bodies of my parents. Thunder and lightning raged on around me, but I refused to go hide in the car, no matter how terrified and heartbroken I was. I refused leave their side ’til finally sirens flashed through the wet dark.

“Do you want to know what Jacob went to prison for?” Mason asks. He slides his arm around me in a show of support. “He murdered the Road Reaper that pulled the trigger and killed your parents. Turns out, the Road Reapers have a history of taking out innocent civilians. Just like Rollins murdered my mother.”

“Wow,” I breathe.

“It started a war. You saw how it ended. With the Road Reapers a shell of their former selves and more bitter than ever. It’s a big reason why they’ve been out for revenge.”

“So, basically, everything that’s happened to us was for revenge against our parents.”

He husks out a deep breath and tightens his arm around me. “Yeah, pretty much. But we’ve fought back and made them pay. It’s what we’ll continue to do, Syd. Me and you and the club.”

“It feels… it feels…” I’m so overwhelmed I can hardly speak. I wipe my teary eyes from thinking about my family history and the happy times we must’ve shared here before it changed forever. “It feels… good to hear you say that.”

“Say what, Syd?”

“Me and you,” I repeat. “And the club.”


I twist my body so that I’m turning into him, my head tilted up to meet his gaze. “Because it finally feels like I have a place to belong again.”

Rarely does Mason ever show emotion, but this moment’s an exception. His brows draw close and it flickers in his eyes—the deep sense of caring he has for me. He cups my cheek and brings my lips close to his, though he doesn’t kiss me.

Not yet.

“You’re part of our family,” he says. “You’re one of us. You always have been in a way. Even before we knew you were. I love you, Syd.”

I smile, touched by his confession. “I love you too, Mace.”

We give into our feelings with a soft kiss that only affirms everything we’ve said.

We’re in love and I’ve finally found where I belong.


AUTHOR’S NOTE:Thanks for reading! It would mean sooomuch to me if you left me a review on Amazon and Goodreads! It takes just a quick second and it helps boost my book so it can be noticed by more readers!

Preorder book 2 in the series, Kings Don’t Break, HERE.It tells the Friends-to-Lovers BWWM MC romance story of Blake Cash and the girl he’s secretly loved since he was a boy, Korine McKibbens. For an (unedited) sneak peek of KDB, turn the page!


“Miss, has anyone ever told you you should model?” the sales clerk asks with a wide, welcoming smile. She holds up a bottle of foundation with one hand and flags me down with the other from behind her make up counter. “We’re offering a free item from our Bella Beauty line if you let us use you for a live make up demonstration.”

I flit by, clutching my purse and cursing my luck. “No thanks! I’m in a rush.”

“But miss! This is an eighty dollar value—and that’s not counting the free make up demonstration by one of our most talented professional artists. We just need fifteen minutes of your time.”

“Can’t. Busy. Sorry!” I call from over my shoulder as I flee the scene.

I hop on the escalator and ride it all the way to the second floor of Keaton's department store. The home decor section is the first thing you see stepping off the escalator. Crystal vases that sparkle under the store's fluorescent lighting and a rainbow of throw pillows in every shape, size and pattern. The clock aisle jumps out at me, the hands on the many clocks for sale ticking away.