Page 127 of Kings Have No Mercy

Just like the panic ticking inside my chest.

I take notice of the time glaring at me from the aisle full of clocks and mutter under my breath, "Please be ready. Please, please be ready."

Racing down the sales floor, weaving between customers browsing at their leisure, I practically break out into a run.

The tailor's station emerges among racks of men's suits and dress shirts. He looks up with his pointed glasses low on his nose, his hands fast at work with a measuring tape and scrap of fabric.

I'm panting by the time I skitter to a stop at his counter. "Hi..." I puff out, my brow shining with sweat. "I'm here for... to pick up... Friday at three."

His thin lips quirk into a knowing smile. "Yes, Mrs. Stricklin. I'm aware why you're here. I was the one who took your order. You made it just in time. We close up in four minutes."

Thank you, Sweet Jesus. Phew!

I can only mouth thank you as he turns away and rummages among a rack of assorted clothes. "Ah, here it is! A man's Dioni three-piece suit tailored to the measurements of a 44 regular.”

I tap my credit card to the card read machine and take the suit protected by pristine plastic covering with gleeful hands, feeling like I've just been given a lifeline.

"I presume this suit's for Mr. Stricklin," says the tailor. "He should be pleased with the fit."

My stomach clenches, cutting my glee short. "I really hope so. Thanks again."

I'm able to duck out of Keaton's with only two more sales clerk harassing me about special sales and offers. I dart straight to my dented and dinged Geo Metro in the crowded parking lot, blowing hair out of my face and jerking the key in the ignition.

Forty-five minutes left. I can still make magic happen.

"C'mon, c'mon," I mutter under my breath, encountering traffic.

Even merging onto the highway is a headache.

I slam my palm to my steering wheel, honking my horn at the indecisive car in front of me. They've got their blinker on going forty in a sixty, driving so slow I'm not sure how we'll ever seamlessly merge. At least not before the threat of our lane runs out.

"You dumbass!" I growl. "That's not how you... ARGH!"

The car in front of me speeds up, then slams on their brake before doing the same thing all over again. We play this game to more frustration and swear words from me.

The truck behind me honks their horn as ifI'mthe problem.

I glance in the rear view and see an irate middle-aged, red-faced man clenching his teeth. How he's pissed at me is beyond me. It's not like the car in front of me isn't the culprit!

The car comes to a complete stop rather than merge, causing me to smash my foot on my brake to avoid rear-ending them.

I'm not so lucky. The truck tailing me knocks into me from behind like a bad game of bumper cars. I shriek jerking forward against my seat belt, my grip tight on my wheel.

No, no, no! Not today! Not right now!

The shock takes several seconds to wear off. I've been rear-ended. On the worst possible day ever. This would happen to me.

I heave a sigh and go to unlock my car door. We need to assess the damage and exchange information. I've barely set a foot on the ground when the truck revs its engine and then speeds off, cutting around me on the shoulder of the road to make it onto the highway.

"Wait!" I scream, my jaw agape. "You can't take off! You hit me! COME BACK!"

But, as he speeds off down the highway, it's clear he has no intention of doing so. He's long gone, whoever he is.

"Unbelievable!" I growl, kicking dirt. Other cars drift by, some passengers nosily sticking their heads out the window to ogle the damage on my rear bumper. I glare at them, a second away from telling them to fuck off.

Thirty-eight minutes left...

Unsure what direction to even go in, I return to my driver's seat and pull out my phone. Donny’s voice mail answers me. At the beep, I inhale a deep breath, and launch into an explanation.