I look up again, tears filling my eyes. His own eyes are shining and I feel as though I might have cracked the door to his heart just a little, and that pent-up emotion is starting to leak out.


The door flings open and a nurse rolls in a wheelchair with one hand, carrying a medicine cup in the other.

“I’m here to take you to your scan, sweetheart,” she says in a syrupy southern accent. “And I’ve got some pain meds for you too.”

“Okay, thank you.”

Adrian assists the nurse in getting me to the wheelchair, even though I’m capable on my own. One of his hands holds my bicep while the other presses gently against my upper back. When I step out of the bed the gown shifts and his hand slips beneath the fabric, brushing between my shoulder blades and sending a cascading warmth down to my toes. His hands on my skin are strong and sure in a way I’ve never known. What would it be like to be held by those hands every day? To wake up encircled in his arms?

As the nurse rolls me down the hall away from Adrian, my mind races with fantasies fueled by the knowledge I now have of how it feels to be touched and carried by him. He’s ruined me, I realize. Unless I meet someone new and better–if that’s even possible–I’m going to forever be branded by today. The memories of him rescuing me and caring for me will cling to my mind like bonfire smoke to clothes.

But maybe I won’t have to scrub the memories out years from now. Maybe they’ll be ones we look back on fondly as we drink tea together snuggled up in our home. A girl can hope.

“Grayson is here watching Murphy, but he knows you’re not feeling well so he should be less … exuberant.” I laugh at Adrian’s word choice as we pull into his driveway.

After my scans came back clear and the medicine kicked in, I felt a lot better. The doctor sent me home with some meds and instructions on watching my concussion for the next twenty-four hours. Now that my pain has dulled, I’m free to dwell on the anxiety building within me about a night with Adrian.

Where will I sleep? Where willhesleep? Our cottages have two bedrooms, but I don’t know what he keeps in his second bedroom. Mine is an office, but his could be a guest bedroom. Though he doesn’t seem like a man fond of guests. There’s always the couch, but neither of our couches are big enough for Adrian and I can’t sleep on one with my back in this condition.

The passenger door opens and Adrian helps me out of his car. He keeps a hand on my arm to guide me to his cottage.

“I can walk, you know,” I say, looking up at him.

“I know.” The slight smirk on his lips makes my face heat.

I don’t know if I can handle this after the day I’ve had. If he doesn’t stop with these subtle hints and gentle touches I might try to kiss him again. Which is inconvenient because after he rejected me I made a vow to never make the first moveeveragain.

Adrian opens the door to reveal a host of balloons, a bouquet of flowers, three gift baskets and one giant teddy bear. In the midst of the living room turned gift shop is Grayson, who is attempting to balance a tennis ball on Murphy’s nose. As soon as he lets go, it rolls off and skates across the floor. Murphy bounds to get it, tail and tongue wagging.

“Oh, hey guys!” Grayson grins at us, taking the slobbery ball from Murphy. “How are you feeling?” he asks me.

“I’m okay.” I draw out the last word, taking in the room. “What’s all this?”

I step out of Adrian’s grasp and study one of the baskets on his coffee table. There’s several boxes of tea, a fuzzy blanket, and a photo frame with one of those photos Maddie took of Adrian and I at his dad’s house. We’re looking at each other starstruck, like if we looked away we’d stop breathing. I trace the wooden frame, a smile tugging at my lips.

“When Adrian texted our group chat that you were hurt, everyone wanted to send something over to help. MJ and Maddie sent that basket,” he gestures to the one I’m looking at. “Mav sent over some baked goods and Levi–ever the practical one–sent a basket of first aid supplies for future injuries.”

“I’m guessing the balloons and bear are from you then?” Adrian asks drily.

“Of course,” Grayson answers with a cheeky grin.

I lift a shaking hand to my mouth. The boys grow silent as my eyes fill with tears.

“Jules?” Adrian wraps an arm around my shoulders.

“I’m sorry,” I choke out, swiping tears away. “I-I’m just a little overwhelmed that they would do all this for me.”

“Why wouldn’t we? You’re a part of the family,” Grayson says and I have to bite back a sob.

I’ve met them a handful of times, but they consider mefamily? I’ve never experienced anything like this before. My parents made me believe I was too difficult to love. If the people who were supposed to love me didn’t, how could anyone else? But Adrian and his family have dropped everything to help me. This room attests to how much they care for me.

“It’s too much,” I whisper, not sure if anyone can hear me.

“I think she’s tired after everything today,” Adrian says to Grayson. “She should probably rest. Thanks for staying with Murphy, I’ll keep everyone updated in the group chat.”

“Okay, let me know if y’all need anything.”