“When will they come get her for the scan?” Adrian asks.

“Within the hour.”

“How long will it take for the results to come back?”

“It depends on how busy radiology is, but it shouldn’t take too long.”

“That’s not an answer.”

I grab Adrian’s hand and squeeze it.

“Hey, Sunshine, why don’t we try being nicer to the people taking care of me?” I whisper under my breath to him.

“I don’t like vague non-answers,” he grumbles. When I give him a pleading look he huffs and shifts in his seat, not letting go of my hand.

I turn my attention back to the doctor. “Thank you, Dr. Phillips. I appreciate your help.”

“You’re welcome.” He nods. “I’ll have a nurse bring you some prescription-strength Tylenol to help with the pain.” He leaves and when the door closes behind him, I roll my head toward Adrian.

“I hate hospitals,” he says, knowing my thoughts before I speak them.

“I do too, but that doesn’t mean I start growling at all the nurses and doctors.”

He sighs, raking a hand through his hair. Butterflies flutter to life in my stomach the longer he keeps hold of my hand. No one is around right now, he could let go, but he’s not.

“I’m sorry, I watched my mom get jerked around by this system for years while she was fighting cancer. I just don’t want them to take advantage of your kindness.”

For the first time since getting to the hospital, I study Adrian. His mouth is downturned, his jaw tight, and he’s sitting on the edge of the chair like he can’t quite make himself settle in. Every part of him seems tense and he’s got these two lines between his brows that I have an urge to smooth out … so I do. My thumb brushes over his warm skin and I feel his eyes on me, but I don’t meet them. He relaxes at my touch, and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling.I have an effect on him.

“I’m sorry this is hard for you,” I say, daring to meet his gaze. His eyes are like a roaring waterfall, blue and wild. There’s so much emotion trapped within him. I feel as though I’ve been standing at a door with a ring of keys, trying to see which one will let me in–which one will let me see beyond the surface.

“You don’t have to stay here,” I tell him.

His mouth quirks up into a faint half-smile.

“Now, what kind of husband would I be if I left you here?” A delicious tingle shoots through my body, making me forget my headache and injuries for a moment.

His thumb runs over the back of my hand, electrifying the air between us. It could be my concussion, but I swear he wants to kiss me as badly as I want to kiss him.

“I’m going to stay until they release you, and then I’m going to bring you back home and you can stay the night at my place or I can stay at yours.”

“W-what?” I sputter, not expecting him to offer that. “No, you don’t need to do that. You’ve already done enough for me.”

“Jules.” His voice is deep yet gentle. My heart skips at the sound of my nickname. I still can’t believe he started calling me that. “I saw your face when the doctor mentioned needing someone to stay with you.”

“I can ask Poppy—”

“She’s going to spend a few days with her grandkids. She’s out of town.”

I hate that he’s right. I remember Poppy mentioning the trip the last time I was at Peaches and Cream. So I truly have no one to take care of me.

I look down at our interlocked hands, watching his thumb trace circles on my skin. The soothing gesture eases the sting of loneliness.

“I don’t have anyone.” I feel like someone else is speaking. I’ve never admitted my loneliness out loud, even to Caroline. My tendency is to make everyone think I’m doing great even when I’m not.

“You have me.”

His words are a flickering candle in the darkness of my thoughts. I may not know exactly where we stand after the incident on my porch, but him being here and touching me and offering to stay with me means something. He wouldn’t do this for just anyone.