Page 16 of Bonded By Moons

He’s moving with utter confidence and grace while he trains sword combat against one of the royal guild members.

Clank. Clank. Crack.

Just like those swords, my heart is cracking watching his muscles work. He seems to never grow tired. He’s a brute, that's for sure. His hair is a mix between black and a deep night blue. His tousled, short, curly hair is glimmering in the sunlight, while sweat is dripping down those extremely lickable abs. I’m utterly mesmerized by him. Completely entranced in his muscles and force.

Ugh. Curse the moons, I knew it was about to get more real with the eclipse being so near. Since when do the moons summon a bond days before the next eclipse? Give me a break.

Next thing I know, they’re bickering about something and then willow shoves the guard off the fighting ring. He lands on his back with athumpand a grunt, and then the prince casts him alight in a circle of neon blue flames.


I sucked in a breath. He’s a fire faerie, and those might be the most beautiful bright blue flames I’ve ever seen. A combination of azure, cobalt and neon blues blaze around the guard, entrapping him but not burning him.

The Prince storms off to the palace doors and leaves his shirt and the ongoing combat behind. Speaking of behinds, his is so fine. His muscles are toned and pulsating from the exertion. His ass is perfectly round and tight. Sweat seems to be pouring down his back and all I want to do is lick him up.

I suck in a breath as he hesitates before walking inside the palace, slowly turning and burning his gaze in my direction.Can he sense me somehow?Before I can drink more of his brutish figure in, he fades out of view.

Through flashes of white and gold, I wake up back in the waters where I lost my balance in the first place. And I not so graciously continued to fall, as my body came back to the present.


“Ember!” Amara squealed, rushing to me in the pool.

Coughing, gasping and choking on my own pride, I look up at Amara. “I just walked through his memories.” I don’t know whether to feel scared, miserable, or lustful at this moment and it’s making me feel even crazier. I feel so out of control of my body, my soul, but I also feel a constant pull to be near The Prince.

“Oh honey, it was bound to start soon. You denied the initial acquancy rituals. The moons are going to push this bond with the eclipse being so near.”

Fuck. Me.



After dressing in our black body suits, I spin in front of a mirror, marveling at the intricacies of the spider silk and how it molds to my curves and muscles.The black suits Amara crafted for us are amazing for fast flying, sticking to the shadows, and remaining over all wraith like.

The boys are waiting for us at the main entrance when we emerge from the tunnel system.

“Amara, these suits are a little snug.” Traeger said with a grimace while adjusting his body suit.

Paisley ogles him and goes “I’m not complaining.” Traeger growls at Paisley while they practically eye fuck eachother.

“Shush, they’ll keep you safe and hidden. They have extreme flexibility with the silk string, so I don’t want to hear any complaining.”

All three brutish figures grounded out a complaint.

“Enough, you big oafs.” I said exasperated and impatient. “Let’s get these assignments settled and then be on our way. We will need to travel the perimeter of the city in order to enter on the south side of Virgo District. This is where Paisley will be stationed for any backup we may need. We’ll be using our communication spheres to talk when needed. Remember, keep the comms clean and clear please. No unnecessary chatter.”

“Traeger.” Brooks coughed into his hand.

Rolling my eyes, I continue on. “Comms should be orbiting your head at all times, unless you’ve been caught. At that point, release the orb to protect the others on our line and keep identities hidden.”

In unison, everyone flicked their communication orbs into existence which began orbiting our heads with a faint yellow glow.

“Now, for the quarters you’ll be assigned to, be sure to find the highest building for a sight of the shadows below. Brucie, you’re stationed in Aries. Amara, you’ll be in Gemini. Traeger will be monitoring Sagittarius. Brooks you’re going to be next to me in Libra, and I’ll be in the Virgo District. Got it?”

“Seems easy enough.” Brucie nodded at me with pride.

“Okay, if we’re all in agreement then let's be on our way. The sun is setting and we should be expecting activity the second the shadows fall.”