Together, we traveled to the boulder covered cave entrance and left the tunnel system. Watching the ancient boulders close over the hole, Brucie approaches me.
“How are you doing with this whole mate thing?” He gestured to my eyes with a nod of his head.
“Oh you know, involuntarily walking through his memories and feeling overly affectionate for a tyrant’s son that I’ve never interacted with before. Generally exhausted.” I shrugged and laced as much sarcasm as I could muster into that statement.
He chuckled and patted me on the shoulder before flashing into his faerie form. We all joined him a moment later.
Flashes of red, green, pink and rainbow wings take off in the direction of Estrallume. The moon began to rise in the sky over the mountains and I could instantly feel its caress on my skin and wings. Everyone started glowing just a little more as their faerie forms absorbed magical charge from the moons.
The feeling is similar to being tickled by a feather, but also being wrapped in a warm blanket on a winter night.
After traveling for several miles, Estrallume slowly rose ahead the treetops. Here in the capital city, the constellation quarters are marked by towers glowing bright gold. Each tower is adorned with its zodiac sign on top of clock towers at the center of the district. As we circle the city's ornate gold and silver outer walls, I can see the Decay ravaging these lands.
There’s barely any greenery left this close to the city. This land has been tortured by the Decay longer than any other village. The ground and roots look as if they’re bleeding. covered in dried muck from the Decay rotting all life here. Those that live in the inner villages can only source food from the capital city or the outer villages which don’t have much to spare. So, basically they’re starving or paying outrageous tax for the capital city’s food.
It’s still so heart wrenching to see our lands this bare. This land is fragile and fragmented. I can feel the heart and soul of the dead grass, trees, and dirt pulsating at a slow beat. The land is holding on by the thinnest of life lines. The Ascension is doing everything they can to tie the unknown forces to the Decay, and find a solution before there’s no life left to salvage. No peace left to protect.
Sometimes, because I’m an earth and empathy faerie, I feel the pain and sorrow of the wilderness much more than others. It can feel isolating, but also motivating for our cause.
We came upon the tear in the city’s wards just south of the Virgo District. There’s a secret tunnel entrance here that is hidden below a glimmer of a large Decayed spruce tree. As we approach the tree, we flash into our human forms. Brucie then produces a dagger and slices a line along his palm, turning it over and dripping his blood along the large, twining roots of the tree. The glimmer is wiped aside by Brucie’s blood offering, presenting us with a similar drop to the tunnels of Mystic Mountain.
Amara heals his hand before he bends down to crawl between the large roots and finds a hole that leads into the tunnel system of Estrallume. He leans over the edge of the opening, checking both directions and bellows, “All clear!”
I release a breath.
One by one, we all crawl into the roots and find the hole just below the base of the hollowed out tree. Dropping into the glimmer, we each glance up through the opening and nod farewell to Paisley.
“Stay safe and be alert. I’ll see you again, my angel,” Traeger says to his mate.
“Don't worry, Trae. See you all soon.” She was always the more professional of the two. Paisley blew Traeger a kiss, then gave us all a nod and farewell.
Leaving her behind, we watched as the glimmer faded back into place and the entrance was covered. Paisley will stay waiting inside the tree roots until we get back. I lead the way towards the main system, where we can find separate tunnels that lead to our designated districts. The walls are dark, rusted and oozing with substances from years of misuse. From what we know, no one has access to these tunnels and they’ve been unused for nearly twenty years. The tunnels here are pungent with a smell of rot and Decay. The king prohibited all faeries from using this cave system, which has greatly affected trade for our city. No one really knows why the king does what he does.
Coming to a six-point fork in the cave, we each say goodbye and head to our posts.
Taking the furthest right tunnel, I walk along my path further toward Virgo District. I decided now's a good time to check our communication signals. “Checking comms. Respond if you can hear me.”
“Hi Em!” Amara says cheerfully. Sometimes, I’m convinced she doesn’t have a care or worry in the world.
“Roger, Em.” Traeger says.
Brucie, Brooks and Paisley hum their confirmations.
“Alright, everyone stay safe. Please don’t forget your sleep potions. It’s important he can’t access your mind if you’re captured. Focus on the shadows, find a culprit and report if you need back up. Keep this line clean so there’s little distraction tonight and use code names from here on out please.”
“Clean, like your reputation after being mated to the prince?” Brooks says with so much righteousness. I could see the stupid smirk slapped on his face right now.
“BROOKS!” Amara yelled in my defense.
“It’s fine, he’s just mad he can’t have a slice of me.” I said equally as obnoxious.
“Oh, in your dreams, Em.” Brooks scoffed.
“I said clean lines. Enough, you dimwit.”
“How am I supposed to ignore her when she calls me names?” He exasperated through groans and whines.
“Love you, Dimwit.” I said deviously. He only grunted in response. He hates his code name.