Page 40 of Bonded By Moons

“What is wrong dear? Goodness, please have a seat.” The queen requests. Except I blatantly ignore her while my only focus is putting Will back in his own head.

“Get. Out. Of. My. Head.” I ground out through my teeth.

“Wait, You guys have already accessed eachother’s minds? That doesn’t make sense. I thought you weren't wanting to accept the bond, Miss Ember?” Aspen curiously states.

I turn to face his brother Aspen and have the balls to lie to myself and everyone else, “I’m not.”

I thought I would feel better if I kept telling myself this isn't meant to be. But, the stars are continually showing me my perfect equal in every way. I think he might be my destiny and I’m curious as to what makes our bond so important to the cosmos. I just can’t admit it out loud to anyone yet because that means this is real. I’m scared it will all fade away if I give in to these feelings.

“That’s very curious. The moons and stars must have something very special planned for this bond if they’re already blessing you with such gifts.” Aspen observed me cautiously.

“I wouldn’t really call hearing each other's every thought a blessing.” I cross my arms and roll my eyes.

“Yeah, well you don’t exactly try to block our connection either, little dragon.” Will teased and it created butterflies in my stomach. He’s still annoying me though. Why is he intoxicating even when he’s calling me out on my bullshit?

Aspen clicks his tongue and looks between me and his brother, contemplating something. Before I can counter the prince, the guard from before steps through the door to the study. He counts heads and ensures the entire royal family is present and then next thing I know we’re being escorted to the ball through the halls of the royal palace.

The walls are stark white but finely adorned with ornate swirls and constellations. There’s depictions of the 3 moons and their cycles, as well as vines and flowers that grow from the ceilings in silvers and golds.

The floors are a white and gray marble that have veins of silver and gold that flows over each tile like a river. It’s truly stunning, paired with black framed windows that meet in arches at the top of every wall. They overlook each district of the capital city.

How did I get here? I never thought I’d be attending a ball at the royal palace, let alone as the honored guest of Prince Willow.

The guard is leading the way while Artie patrols the back of our party. Willow and I are just before Artie, and I forget he’s even there when Will reaches his hand over to mine and traces small circles in the center of my palm. He sends a parade of sensations through my body as he connects with mine in one of the simplest of ways.

I’m beginning to believe that my body was made for him. It yearns for his attention, it celebrates with his touch, and misses him in his absence. I’m way in over my head here. What was I thinking that I’d be able to resist him tonight? I’m such a fool.

So, I decided to be curious, as always.

I intertwined my fingers with his. Instantly a current of warmth and tingles dances up my arm like a shower of stars as our palms collide and we feel a form of connection we’ve never had before. My hand fits perfectly in his. I didn’t know hand holding could be so intimate?

What am I supposed to do when we dance together tonight?

I don’t know if I can handle this. I’m too focused on Will right now to concentrate. I can’t let my team down. Brooks is the most important subject tonight and Will needs to remember that. I take a deep breath and try to center myself as we continue our path to the ballroom.

I decide to whisper to him, “I want to speak with your father in regards to Brooks.”

His hand tightens around mine, not enough to hurt me but enough to tell me this isn’t the time to address this.

What?I ask in confusion.

Little dragon, if what you’re saying is true, then you saw how my father reacted last time. He is vile and the most selfish being I've ever met. The only reason we’re doing this is because we require his blessing to move forward with the bond.

That’s ridiculous. Why does he have to bless our bond? No one has control over this connection besides me, you and the moons. And he wouldn’t dare harm me in front of the court tonight, right?

Willow turned his gaze to me and when I caught his eyes, I realized there was pleading in them.

I’m sorry. I don’t know what my father is truly capable of. He’s kept us locked in this castle all our lives and his court dealings are always kept private.

Willow, I have to find Brooks. This situation is horrific and we cannot let this go. More families are at risk and these incidents have gone on too long.

Is this why you came here tonight? Did you come here to use me, little dragon?

He loosened his hand from mine and let it fall. I immediately miss his warmth and touch. I want to lie to him and tell him no, but the bond is heating in my chest like a fire and making it so hard to get the words out.

It’s as if I can’t lie to him. Is that part of this mate bond?

Yes, and no. I’m sorry, but I needed to gain access to a meeting with the king and I also… I can’t lie to you. The moons make it nearly impossible and I needed to spend more time with you before I decided what to do about this.I signal between our bodies and he gets the point.