They all turn their heads to face us in the doorway at the same time. Willow’s hand slides to the small of my back and brings a reassuring presence in its company.
I don’t even remember what happened, I just saw a rush of limbs and smiles as they pulled me into a massive group hug. “Agh– I can’t breathe.” I cough out as they crush me in this unexpected embrace. I hear willow chuckling somewhere close by.
Letting me go, they step back and begin hammering me with questions so fast that I can barely keep up.
“You’re a monochrome faerie!” Roserra exclaims with joy. “We’re going to be best friends.”
“Well, yes I–”
“Whoa, you’re tiny for the fighter our brother describes you as. He said you sprinted away from him, and he barely caught up to you with his fat ass.” Sage, the youngest brother states while shining a shit eating grin at Willow There’s curiosity and wonder in his eyes as he looks me over.
I laugh along with everyone else, charmed by Sage’s humor.
I must be the first mate of their siblings to be chosen, considering I don’t see any of their partners here. I can understand their excitement.
“I mean I’m not that small–”
Aspen pats Will on the arm and gives him an approving look, and a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Children, please. Don’t crowd her. It’s a pleasure to meet you dear. We can’t wait to learn everything about you and welcome you into our family.” The Queen says to her kids while giving me a reassuring smile.
“Oh well… It’s a pleasure too. Thank you for inviting me.” I say, unsure how to word myself and act right now. His mother has so much grace about her that I feel overwhelmed in her presence. I’ve never been around royalty and Willow is pretty laid back compared to what I was expecting.
“Of course! We’re so happy to finally be meeting you. As the mate of Willow Bryton you’ll be entitled to every court held event moving forward, as well as host your own occasions when you’re provided an estate on palace grounds.”
“Wow, that seems like a little much. Right?” I sheepishly ask while glancing up into Willow’s eyes. He’s studying me closely with a face of adoration and pride. I don’t know what he’s thinking right now because I think this is going utterly terrible. Is his family not aware of my stance on the bond? I haven’t even accepted the bond yet, and they’re already setting plans for us?
This feels like too much. I’m getting dizzy and my chest feels like there’s a troll sitting on it. I should be able to have a choice in this. The moons can’t control everything.
You will always have a choice. Remember what I told you in the hallway.
Willow! Get out of my head.I roll my eyes at him while his family stares at us. We probably look so crazy right now, just having a staring contest in front of everyone.
You’re projecting, little dragon. Breathe. Calm and collect your thoughts. It’s all going to work out.
His hand tightens on the small of my back and reluctantly, I do as he says. Letting out a large breath in the air and feeling lighter with the exhale, I turn to face his family again. “I haven’t accepted the bond yet, but it is a pleasure to be here in your company. I look forward to the rest of the evening.”
Well done, little dragon.
I huff and step away from Willow, following his mother and sister back to the sitting area of the office. I struggle to get my dress around the coffee table but eventually, yet ungracefully succeed at collapsing on the sofa.
It’s still so strange there’s no decorations in this room. The stark white walls are empty of all collections and books besides a few small random trinkets. The desk barely has any items on it either. A few papers, a clock and calendar. The ceiling is the same from the memory dive, dancing with stars and moons against a black and silver backdrop.
I glance up from where my hands are folded in my lap and find Willow and his brothers watching me intently.
“Can you all find something else to do other than stare at me like I'm star sent?” I complain.
Willow slowly smirks and crosses his arms, rooting himself in his stance. “Am I not allowed to admire my mate?”
“I’m not your mate, yet.” I clarify and narrow my glare at him. I almost couldn’t hear over the ringing in my ears, when his mother gasped and his siblings held back bursts of laughter.
That earns me a sideways grin from Willow and it cracks something hard in my chest. Fuck this man for messing with my head and his sexy smile that I can barely resist.
Everytime he cracks that smile at me, my insides twist and heat with a fire so bright it has to be from his neon blue flames. Fierce, Electric, Hot.
You’re projecting again. You should probably find ways to let out all this pent up aggression. Maybe with me? Back in my room?
That set me off. I level a glare and stand up so quickly his mother reaches for her heart and tries to calm her breathing. Not even attempting to be gracious, I quickly gather my skirts and stomp my way over to Willow.