“Nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart. I’m going to change, then I’ll be back to help you.”

I watch Noah walk across the room and disappear down the hall. How in the hell did I get so lucky?

“You know, your memaw scared the crap out of me, but I loved that lady.”

I chuckle. “I know.” I lean into her as she leans into me. “This makes me want to find the box with all of the old, old stuff and see what’s survived.”

“You have the stuff we did as kids?” Brenna asks, sitting up to look over at me. “I may have some, but I don’t know where. I’ve not had much to celebrate. Ya know?”

I sit up, throwing my arm around her as I speak. “I’m sorry I left. If I’d have known—no, that’s a lie. Kinda. I wanted to prove I could do what I wanted. I did that, but without family, I was just lost. I’m glad that’s not the case anymore. I have my family—”

“We’ll never be apart again, heffa,” Brenna says, her gaze meeting mine.

“Nope. Never. Hoes before bros and all of that,” I agree. It should be noted that I tried my best to keep a straight face. I did, but the fact that Brenna laughed and Abel, the big goofball, started to spit and sputter with laughter…I cracked up too.

“Damn, woman,” Brenna slaps my thigh as she gets up, “It’s hoes over bros, but you get an A for effort.”

When Noah comes in, we are still laughing. Abel dramatically tells him why we are losing it. He gives in a minute later and chuckles. His funny bone is a lot thicker than ours. To be fair, he is probably the only real adult. I am mentally early 20’s, Brenna and Abel, early teens at the best of times. That thought makes me laugh harder which is when the furry missile hits me.

“Hippie,” I grunt as the big goof jumps up on the couch, licking at my face since Brenna moved. “Don’t slobber on me, you big love lug.” Still laughing, I wrap an arm around the big floof.

“He loves you too, heffa. We all do. This year, even if I’m not happy to be tossed right into the heart of Christmas, two days after Thanksgiving mind you…”

“I would have started the day after Halloween, but I figured you’d have killed me in my sleep,” I deadpan.

I am serious though. As soon as the spiderwebs and pumpkins were down, I could have, but instead, I put out fall decorations. See, I am a good girl. Sometimes.

“Damn straight, woman. Jesus. You’re as bad as the department stores. Soon as Christmas is over, they’re already stacking shelves with Valentines. Then it’s Easter… Slow ya roll.”

I snort and toss the slobbery ball beside me toward the kitchen. Hippie goes after it with gusto. Ick. Slobber. I wipe my hand on my pant leg and stand. I have slobber all over me. I go into the kitchen and wash my hands and face with a wet paper towel before I speak again.

“This,” I say, turning around and coming back into the spacious living room. “This makes my heart happy and hurt at the same time. There’s so many memories to wade through.”

“It’s one of those things that we do to remember the past. I remember times when Abel and I were little. There were good times—”

“And times I’d rather not talk about.” Abel levels his brother with a look.

Noah holds up his hands. “I wasn’t going to, I was just making a point.”

“I think,” I say, “we can start our own holiday traditions.”

“Yes. Even if they start the day after Thanksgiving.”

I poke Brenna in the boob. “Stop being a Scrooge, heffa!”

She slaps my hand away and that is when the tussle starts. Laughing, she tries to tackle me. Which she does, but I buck her off of me. Only to be sat on. She starts to tickle me which makes me cackle. That gives Hippie all the permission he needs to jump on us both. We fall over in a fit of laughter, dog slobber, and utter delight. The guys are laughing, trying to help us up while dodging a crazy ass dog.

I get to my feet, safe in Noah’s arms by the time Abel helps Brenna up. “You two really are crazy, you know that, right? But I gotta say, babe, that was kinda hot. You should do that again, in jello.”

I hear the “thwack” as I turn. Brenna has punched him in the arm.

“Jello is good to eat and not get in all your cracks. I pass. That’s a hard no.”

“I’d volunteer to lick you clean…” Noah’s unexpected words have my face flaming so hot that I have to fan myself.

“Noah!” I shake myself. Good god that image… I know what that tongue can do. My knees go weak. Good thing the big man has an arm around me.

“Holy crap, bro. I’m so proud,” Abel says, straight-faced.