“Yes, ma’am!” We giggled and moved to wipe up the spots on the table.

I missthat lady so much. I can still hear her telling us about them “good ole days.” She had been one of those people in my life who I could always go to. Other than Brenna that is. No matter how big or small the problem, if it was ‘stupid’ or not; she was there and ready to tell me just what she thought about whatever it was. Even if I didn’t want to hear it.

With my fingers rummaging through the small box, I pull out a few more pieces; one, a one-eyed reindeer picture frame, made my heart happy. It was a picture of me and Brenna. Pigtails, missing front teeth, knee socks—all of it. We were cuties. This is definitely going on this big tree somewhere.

A warm hand slides along my shoulder, and I look up with a jerk. Noah had come in without me hearing him. Between being lost in my head and the music playing on the radio, he was able to catch me off guard.

He kneels down, taking my face in his hands.

“Why the tears, beautiful?”

I hadn’t realized I was crying. I lean my cheek into his palm and sigh. “Just remembering my memaw. You know Brenna and I spent a lot of time with her when we were little.” I hold up the felt macaroni tree and the reindeer ornament. “I found her keepsake box. It just made me miss her more.”

Noah, my soft-hearted love, leans in and kisses my cheeks. “I understand.” His smile warms my heart more. “Do you want some help here?”

I look around and nod. “I’d love some help. Brenna and her wolf went to take Hippie for a walk. Maybe today he won’t steal some poor woman’s food.” I laugh softly. “I still can’t believe that story. Though, I do. Brenna has been known to steal food from your hand too.” I stand up with his help, grinning.

“Let me change; I brought my bag in. Then you can just point me in the right direction.”

“You mean I get to boss you around again?” I purse my lips slightly.

He pulls me to him, his arms holding me tight. “You do, my love.”

“So I should do it more? I’ll buy you a Santa suit; I’ll be Mrs. Claus, knee socks included.”

He groans.

I smirk. “It makes me want to—”

The deck door opens, and the troublesome twosome comes in, Hippie in the lead.

Noah kisses me and takes a step back.

“Get a room,” Abel calls out.

“You can leave if you don’t like the show.” I glare. There is no heat in it though. This is how we are with each other. Teasing, laughter, and on occasion, annoyance.

“Shut up.” Brenna elbows him, laughing.

“What’s in the box, heffa? Why were you crying?” Brenna comes over, pushing Noah back. I still have the box in my hands.

“It’s memaw’s memory box. Look, it’s got some of our ornaments in it.” The tears start again.

“Oh wow. Look at us!” she exclaims.

“Right? Dorky faces, pigtails, and all.” I laugh and pull out the stack of Christmas cards at the bottom. They have a ribbon tied around them.

“You’ve had this since she passed?” Brenna asks me.

I nod. “Yeah, but I was so upset after the service, I just put it in my hope chest and never looked back. I forgot all about it. That makes me feel like an asshole, by the way.”

“Nah, I get it. She would understand.” She flops down on the couch and pulls me to sit beside her. Our full attention goes to the cards in my hand. Once the ribbon is untied, I get a great surprise. There are about 20 postcards that are yellowed, some faded, and a few have super-worn edges, but that isn’t what has tears filling my eyes again. These postcards were from my grandpa when he was overseas.

“Holy crap, this is a jackpot!”

“Why are they crying? What do we do?” Abel asks Noah in a whisper.

I shake my head at them both. “Sorry, but these postcards are dated 1942. They’re from my grandpa to my memaw. I should have checked this box sooner.”