“When did you get so wise?”

“He’s not wise, just spouting off his old man BS. He picks it up from the other old men at the bar,” Abel chuckles.

“You know, we should just leave you over here. Maybe you’ll learn something.” I scowl.

But really, I have to fight back a grin when Noah harrumphs. “I’ll show you old man BS.”

He tries to go after his brother, but I hold onto him. If their horsing around breaks something…well, we can’t afford more than the tickets to get in this place. If they break it, they’ll have to work the grounds until they die to pay off the debt.

“Enough, let's move on before this room causes me to be admitted somewhere.”

“Told ya she was certifiable.” Brenna looks back at me and winks.

“If I am, it's your fault, heffa.”

I slide through the doorway, smiling at the couples coming in. They probably think we are all nuts. Hindsight being what it is, maybe we are. Brenna for sure is, but that’s why we love her. Don’t worry, she would say the same about me. It’s why we’re friends. Two peas, one pod, and all of that.

My eyes are dry and sore after that tour. I can’t stop looking around, forgetting to blink. Amazing. Beautiful. Creepy. Paintings that are massive, some that are really small. Photos of ancient men on horseback. I love it all, but I will say, other than the tapestry room, where I know good and damn well eyes were following me, the creepiest place we saw was the children’s room. Old toys lay in wait for someone to play with them. There was also a rocking horse…I swear it moved once too. No one saw that but me. Go figure. I am probably going to have nightmares.

I am overwhelmed by this pace as a whole, to say the least. Scrolling through the images on my phone, I crop one of me and Noah to set as my phone's lock screen.

“Now for the fun part of the day!” Abel starts off down the sidewalk.

“Is it a good idea to go to an ale tasting place then take him to the medieval mile museum place?” I grump.

“Probably not, but that’s what we are doing. We only have one day left here; we gotta make the most of it.”

She has a point. Tomorrow we are waking up in Cork, our trip having come full circle. There are a few things left to do there before the trip is ‘over’, but still. It is ending. I’m not ready.

We have a red-eye flight home, then we will be back to reality. I miss my bed, I can admit that, but the rest of it, I just want a little more. If I wake up tomorrow and ask for another day… Can I get it? No, that isn’t how life works. Noah will be back to work Wednesday night, and I will be left contemplating the new shop. I think I’ll talk with Dana and Cindy, ask their opinion on what they think will go best next to their shops. A deli style place will be convenient, easy. They are busy in the morning and midday. If we put in something to offset their traffic flow, it could be beneficial for us all.

“Penny for your thoughts.” Noah gives me a squeeze into his side.

Busted. “Sorry, I’m just thinking about the real life we have to go back to.”

His chuckle envelopes me along with his arms. “It will be good to slow down, get used to married life in our own home. Maybe even find time for a few date nights. Alone time. Just me and you, under the stars on the beach, at the movies, in bed.” As he speaks, his lips brush along my jaw.

“Why, Mr. Lawson, are you trying to seduce me?” I lean my head back, batting my lashes at him.

“Of course not, Mrs. Lawson. Just giving you some other activities to look forward to when we get back home.”

“Hmm…I like the sound of that.”

“I hoped you would.” His lips capture mine, and I am lost.

“Are you just going to suck face on a public street all day or come into the building?” Abel chuckles.

I’m not ready to let go of my husband, but I’ve promised to go to the ale tasting with them. The website says they offer soft drinks for anyone that wants one. I will stick with that. I’m not a big beer drinker as it is.

“Let’s go before he has a baby or something.”

Grinning, Noah takes my hand. “Or something.”

Looking up, I see the Smithwicks sign. This place looks cool. Now if we can just keep Abel and Brenna from embarrassing us. Get a few drinks in them and all bets are off on a normal day. Chuckling to myself, I grip Noah’s hand a little tighter.

“That was awesome.We should find something like this in Seaside.”

“You will find nothing like this in the states, but yeah, a wine tasting would be good,” Brenna offers.