
How can one person be so energized and ready to take on the new day and be so damn tired at the same time? If you figure that out, help a girl out, would ya?”

We have done a lot since leaving Dublin. Just when I think I’ve seen it all, we find another gem. Which kinda sucks ‘cause it means it's going by too quickly. We only have a couple days left and honestly, I don’t want to leave. We have to though; I know, so I’ve made Noah promise that we can come back in a few years. He suggested we start planning more trips, checking off bucket lists. Have I mentioned just how much I love that man? It's a whole lot.

My feet are sore this morning. Reminding me that I’m not as young as I used to be.

Yesterday we spent time in Naas, Wicklow, and Kildare. Small shops, pubs, and beauty surrounded us. We spent time walking along the Grand Canal, which was so serene and peaceful. Then we did a little window shopping in a few of the little shops. But it didn’t stop there. As the day went on and we moved from place to place, we kept finding new things. Exploring is kind of my and Brenna’s thing to do, after all.

I do say, we probably embarrassed ourselves and by extension the guys when we found out there were pyramids… Yeah, man, you heard me. Actual, solid as a rock freaking pyramids. I squirreled while they told us about the site's history. Both Noah and Abel had their phones out, looking up the history and dates. None of it sank in at first. Brenna and I were too busy fawning over the fact that there was a pyramid. We really need to work on our inner children. They have far too much control over us.

I can neither confirm nor deny that Noah and I may have taken advantage of a little makeout break while we walked along the Orange Heritage trail. We were there to see what there was to the Jigginstown Castle. It's a massive site and gorgeous. It's like looking at a piece of history that never got to really live.

Today though, we are headed out to explore another castle. I swear I could fall in love with this country for the castles alone. My eyes move up and up as I step from the car. We’ve opted to do a tour by ourselves, allowing ourselves the ability to soak in all the vibes during our time inside. I have the ticket print out in my hand, ready to get inside.

This place is definitely haunted, right? One look and it is obvious to me. Though that could be the leftover remnants from Brenna’s idea of a haunted tour. It was not as much fun as she promised. If I closed my eyes, I could still see the fake guts in my lap.

The heffa is going to buy me another shirt to replace the one I had to toss out. I really hoped the maids didn’t think someone had been murdered when they cleaned the rooms after we left. Maybe I should have said something to them.

“Breathe, beautiful,” Noah chuckles, wrapping his arms around me to rest his head atop mine.

Closing my eyes, I do just that. Soaking in the scent of fresh cut grass, gardens, and his aftershave.

“I’m okay. I’m just—overwhelming my mind.”

His deep chuckle sends a shiver down my spine. “I know, love. Come on, let's keep moving. If we lose Abel and Brenna—”

“They’ll find us. I’m not worried. Knowing them, and I do well, they're going to scurry off behind a tree, scaring the small woodland creatures with their sexcapades again.”

“I represent that!” Brenna says, huffing.

Smiling, I let Noah walk me up the walkway, my gaze scanning everything. Soaking in the images that will forever be a part of my imagination. This place is massive. Like super massive and absolutely gorgeous.

We have a scheduled tour time, so we stand outside, waiting. I use my time wisely and soak in the warmth of my husband's arms around me. I am so lost in my head, letting this place wash over me, that it isn’t until Brenna pinches my side that I realize we are being let inside.

I tip my head back slightly, looking up into the rather open space. Magnificent paintings line the wide walls. I sigh at the sheer beauty before us.

“Heffa, are you all right?” Brenna sounds concerned.

My head falls forward, and I meet her gaze. “Yes, just overwhelmed. I never thought—it just keeps getting better. I want to see it all, explore until my feet fall off.”

She snorts. “You’d look funny with no feet.”

“You know what I mean.” I flick her ear and dart away before she can get back at me.

“Yeah, but I stand by what I said,” she laughs, making a face at me.

Someone may look at us and see two overgrown children—they’d not be wrong—but what they don’t see is that we haven't always been able to be like this. Carefree, lively—nuttier than a basket of peanuts—and happy.

Laughing, I wrap my arm around hers as we follow the guys. They are leading this expedition, after all. It seems thatwecan’t be trusted to not make them re-walk the same path ten times before moving on. I mean, they probably have a point. Brenna and I both have ADHD. Squirrels happen out of nowhere at any given time. Since this is a sort of timed exploration, we don’t want to get in trouble for staying too long. They only allow so many people in at a time as it is.

“That dude’s eyes are following me…” I whisper to Noah as he wraps an arm around me.

“It’s a tapestry, love, there are no eyes following you.”

Why had I agreed to come into this room again? Oh yeah, ‘cause I love the turd standing across from me fawning over a large painted tapestry of some lord or duke or something. I quit listening ten minutes ago. My anxiety is tripling every minute I am in here. Not sure why. Paintings don’t bother me; why should a painted rug?

“Relax, baby, breathe. Nothing in this room can hurt you. It’s just old paintings. History is here to teach you, not harm you.”