“When we start making babies, we’ll have only boys. Girls are a bother,” he said.
“Let me take her to the bathroom, Gerald. Please.”
“I’ll take her.” He said and grabbed Ava by her arm, making her break into a loud cry. The sound of her crying pierced my heart and I could no longer hold on to my tears. They fell freely. After a few minutes, he returned alone.
“Where is she?” I asked.
“I took her back into the room. We need to talk. Adult stuff.”
“If you want me to love you and be with you forever, you have to treat Ava well. You have to take care of her. She is my child,” I yelled and he chuckled.
“I don’t have to do any of those things. We’ll give her up for adoption or something. We’ll have our own boys. Pure bloodline from the both of us, not some mistake from years ago.”
His words ignited anger in me. “Don’t say that about my child,” I screamed and he screamed back at me.
“I am the man of this house! My words are final, you will have no input!”
This man was crazier than I thought.
He calmed down and spoke, “I am sorry I raised my voice. That’s not the kind of life I want with you but I don’t want to and I won’t raise another man’s child. You understand that, right?” he asked and I remained quiet, still shaken from his outburst.
“Right?” he asked again and this time, I slowly nodded. I wondered how none of his neighbors had heard any of the shouting that has been happening here.
“Gerald.” I started quietly. “There’s no proper blood flow to my hands. It hurts and soon enough, it’s going to paralyze me.” I said, trying to scare him. His eyes darted to the ropes around me.
“I don’t want you running away, Valentina. Cause then, I’ll have to chase you and probably hurt you which I don’t want to do.”
“I am not going to run but if you don’t want an amputated wife, you’ll have to loosen the ropes,” I said.
He hesitated, his eyes lingering on the ropes before he went into one of the rooms. My eyes looked to the couch he stood up from. My phone was still there. He returned shortly with scissors, which he used to slightly cut the ropes binding my arms to the chair. They loosened and fell off. I expected him to cut the ones tying my legs but he didn’t.
The feeling of blood rushing back to my hands caused them to hurt a little bit. I groaned loudly, exaggerating the pain.
“Did I hurt you?” he asked, his eyes softening.
“No, you didn’t.”
He went back to the couch, placed the scissors beside him and turned the TV on.America’s Got Talentwas on and he pointed at the TV. “Do you enjoy this show?”
I shook my head, “I don’t watch TV,” I lied. “I usually don’t have the time.”
“Anyways, that ends now. In the new life we start, you don’t have to work. I will do the whole work and provide for the family. You’ll stay home and take care of our family.”
I coughed and he laughed. “I know it will be difficult for you to accept. Society has made women think they can be equal to men in the workplace and life in general. No woman of mine will live like that. You’d be the traditional woman my mother was.”
“You will still be working with my twin sister.” I pointed out and he shook his head.
“I already applied to be transferred to Texas. That’s where our new life will start.”
“Can I see Ava?” I asked in a low voice and he looked at me.
“Why? She is no longer crying.”
“Well, I don’t know what time it is, but she has to eat. She is a toddler. I have to eat too. I’m hungry.”
He sighed. “The show just started. I’ll go out and get us dinner when it ends. And for your request to see Ava, No.”