“I didn’t… How did you… What?” Just how much of my life was this guy privy to? Was he the one who attacked me on my run?

“The day I was on my run…”

“Yeah, that. I wasn’t trying to hurt you. I just wanted to have a little time with you, maybe see you up close as that never happens but you mistook it for an attack. It wasn’t one.”

This conversation with him kept getting weirder as time passed.

“Where is Ava?” I asked again and he rolled his eyes.

“We are talking about us right now. I’ve told you that Ava is fine. She is asleep.”


“In one of the rooms.”

“Look, I know that you’ve expressed how hurt I’ve made you feel but what exactly do you want? What do you need for the safety of myself and my daughter?”

“I want you, Valentina.”


“Yes, all of you. I want us to be together forever.” He said with a scary look in his eyes. One that sent chills down my body. Fear crawled all over my skin at the thought that this man could take Ava and I far from my family and we’d have no way of leaving.



Ava’s crying filled my ears and roused me from a troubled sleep that I must have slipped into. I was still strapped to the chair and my arms started to numb from the blood flow restriction. Gerald was still sitting at the same spot opposite me.

“Ava is crying.” I croaked. My throat felt dry.

“She’ll stop.”

“Gerald, please. If you want me to be yours forever, please bring me my baby.”

He laughed. “You are going to love me and be mine forever. It doesn’t matter what I do. I’ll get her to stop crying,” he said and made to stand up. My eyes landed on my phone on the couch he just stood up from.

“How? You don’t even know what could be wrong.”

“She’s a kid. How hard can it be? I’d just give her candy or something.”

“She has allergies. Gerald, please untie me. I’m not going to try to run. I just want to take care of my baby.”

“You don’t trust me with her?” he asked, getting angry again. “But you trust Leon? You let him take her out. You leave them alone with each other but you don’t trust me?”

“I didn’t say that. I had to teach him what to do over time. If you let me teach you, I’ll trust you.”

He went into one of the rooms and returned, holding Ava by her arm with one hand. I gasped in fear.

“Please, her bones are delicate.” I cried.

He placed her on a couch beside me. Ava came down and stood beside me. “Mommy, let’s go home. I have to pee.”

“We’ll go home soon, honey.” I said to her. She looked at my face and saw the tears forming in my eyes.

“Mommy, you’re crying,” she said and I bit my lips to hold back the tears.

“She has to use the bathroom,” I said to Gerald and he looked at her with a disgust I had never seen.