“She’ll be spending some time with Mike, her boyfriend.”


“Are you staying for dinner?” she asked and I shook my head.

“No, I have a work dinner I committed to. I have to be there, but I’ll spend some time playing tea party with Ava before I leave.”

“Don’t start what you cannot maintain. Once she sees that you’re interested in her tea parties, she’ll make sure you’re there all the time.” She warned with a smile before going into the kitchen. I returned to Ava’s little table and we continued with our fake party.



Leon bringing a security man over to the house was not something I anticipated. What could the security risk be? Was this a situation where a dangerous criminal comes into town and the wealthy start protecting themselves, like in the TV shows?

Vivian came home suddenly and I hugged her, “What’s the matter?”

“Mikey and I got into a fight.”

“Over what?”

“He wanted me to go spend some time with his mother as some traditional woman thing. It just didn’t make sense to me.”

“I didn’t know Mike believed in things like that.”

“That’s the thing, I don’t think he does. This conversation just sprung from nowhere and next thing I knew, we were fighting about it.”

“I’m sorry about that,” I said, hugging her, she hugged me back tightly.

“Where is Leon?” she asked.

“He left.”

“So who is that man standing by the door? I thought he was Leon’s bodyguard or something.”

“Leon brought him to be my bodyguard.”

“Yours? Why?”

“According to him, there was some report that required them to increase security details around themselves and loved ones.”

“Ouu, so you’re his loved one.” She said, lifting her brows.

“Don’t think I’m alone in this. He says he’s getting you one too.”

“I do not need personal security.”

“Yeah, me neither.”

“Let’s go out for some burgers or something. I need to clear my mind.”

“You know I’m trying to drop a few,” I said to her, holding my lower abdomen. “Just recently, I started morning runs.”

She eyed me as I spoke. Her expression was funny and it made me laugh. “I’m serious, Vivian.”

“Yes, you are dear. You’re serious. At least, drive me there, please.”

“Alright, let’s all go. I’ll grab Ava and the car keys.” I went in to get the car keys and Ava who was lying down on her bed but wasn’t asleep.