“Look man, I want to invest in Valentina’s work. It’s so good and I want to key into the project. She can do something similar for me.”

“That would be great. I’ll let her know and maybe you guys will sort out the details.”

“Yes, that would be nice. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I think I need to go home and get a little more sleep. I’ll talk to you later,” Miguel said and ended the call.



The exhibition was a few weeks ago, but I was still basking in the euphoria of how well it went. I was still making sales to people I met that day; I started some jobs commissioned shortly after the exhibition. It was great that I was busy, and the money I was getting reflected that. My staff were also happy as they all got bonuses, James especially.

Despite the fact that I was busy, I always tried to find time for Ava. She was my sole reason to work as hard as I was working, so that I could give her a great life. That weekend, I decided to paint from home, so that I could be with her.

We had just finished breakfast, and she was playing with her train set when I sat down to go over my social media for a few minutes. That was when I received an email. It was from Leon Pierce’s office. The email requested that I choose a time that would be comfortable for me so that Leon and I could meet and discuss the project.

I sighed and threw my phone down. Why was he so interested in working with me? I knew the answer to that question, as much as I wanted to pretend like I didn’t know. Ava came up to me with her trains and we started playing. She would laugh out loud anytime I made train sounds, and then I’ll move the train above her head and call it a flying train. She’d laugh again.

I was able to get Ava to take a nap and that was when I brought out my drawing board to start a painting for the women’s wellness center. I had just finished the first part of the painting when my phone started ringing. It was Miguel.

“Hello, Miguel.”

“Hello, Valentina. How are you doing?”

“I’m very well, thank you.”

“I’m so sorry I’m calling on the weekend. I was just so busy yesterday that I forgot to call.”

“It’s fine. Is there a problem?”

“No, no problems at all. I was just calling so that we can set up a lunch meeting and go over the details of our project together.”

“Oh, that sounds lovely. What day are you looking at?”

“I don’t know yet, but it should be within this coming week. Maybe Tuesday? Does Tuesday work for you?” he asked, and I nodded.

“Yes, Tuesday works for me.”

“Alright then, I’ll follow up with details soon.”

“Thank you.”

“It’s no problem.”

The call ended, and I put my phone down. He wanted to meet to discuss the project further. I continued my painting until Ava woke up from her nap.

Tuesday came around quickly and I was ready to turn down Leon’s project because I didn’t want to do it. I had spent the entire morning practicing a speech on how to politely turn down an offer and not appear rude. I chose not to discuss it with Vivian because I knew that she was going to advise me otherwise.

I received a text message from Miguel telling me the location and venue for the meeting. Close to the time, I got into my car and headed there. On my arrival, I turned my neck around the restaurant in search of Miguel. He was nowhere to be found.

I looked to the extreme end of the restaurant, and Miguel wasn’t there. It occurred to me that he could be running late and that I should check with the people at the welcome desk to see if he had made a reservation.

I hurriedly turned on my heels to go back to the welcome desk when I tripped and collided with someone. My shoes bent, and I lost my balance. I was already heading to the ground and I couldn’t stop myself when a hand held me firmly and brought me back up.

I opened my eyes and was face to face with Leon, a man I had been trying to avoid. Our faces were inches apart and I could smell the sweet aroma of coffee on his breath. His beard looked cleanly shaven and his lips were pink and calling to me to take them in mine. My heart started racing and butterflies fluttered in my belly. I exhaled loudly and gently released myself from his hold, then I adjusted my dress and said,

“Thank you for catching me.”