“You’re welcome. I…” he was going to say something but I cut him off.
“Excuse me, please,” I said, walking away from him and straight to the welcome desk.
“Where’s your bathroom please?” I asked. The polite looking young lady there pointed at a door to her right and I briskly walked there and went in. When I was alone in the confide of the bathroom, I sighed.
“Thank you for catching me? Really? Is that all I could say?” I asked myself aloud. It took a few minutes for me to recompose myself. Being that close to Leon clearly rattled me and I could not understand why I felt this way after so many years of not seeing him.
I needed to talk to the only person who would listen to me and not judge me, Vivian. I took out my phone and dialed her number. She answered almost immediately.
“Hello, Val.”
“Hi… Hi,” I said, still trying to get my thoughts together.
“Is everything okay? Are you alright? You sound a bit out of breath.”
“Yeah, I.. I am. I have a lunch meeting with Miguel, the man investing in a project with me.”
“Oh, are you nervous about that?”
“Not really. Leon is here.”
She became quiet on the other side of the phone.
“Vivian, being around him makes me nervous. I still feel butterflies, it’s embarrassing.”
She chuckled. “There’s nothing embarrassing about it.”
“I almost fell at the restaurant and he caught me. In that moment, when I was in his arms and inches away from his face, I felt like a little teenager in front of her crush. My heart fluttered.”
“You clearly don’t like that.”
“No, I do not. I’m supposed to be avoiding him. Truth be told, I was coming to this meeting to tell him that I wouldn’t have the time for his project and to reject his offer, but… I don’t know Viv.”
“I want you to calm down. Take a few deep breaths and calm down.” Vivian said in a soothing tone.
“It’s okay to feel this way. You guys had an undeniable spark, and I’m sure that if Ava wasn’t in the picture, you’d be open to pursuing things with him.”
I chuckled, “Don’t support this rubbish I’m doing.”
“I’m not supporting any rubbish. Your body and brain will react to a man you like, whether you try to run or hide it. It’s basic biology.”
“I also feel bad.”
“Why?” She asked.
“Keeping Ava from him, it’s beginning to bite me but I don’t know him well enough to know if he’ll be a good influence on her or if he’ll even be a permanent person in her life. I don’t want to hurt Ava.”
“I understand you, Val but you’re going to have to tell him about Ava. Sooner or later. You cannot hide it for so long anymore. That would be unfair.”
“I know.”
“Are you feeling better?” Vivian asked and I nodded as though she could see me.
“Yes, I am. Talking to you always makes me feel better.” I said.
“I’m glad. You should go back into the meeting.”
“Yeah, I should. Thank you, Viv.”