The house manager, Giselle, had left me some food before heading home. I went into the kitchen and put the plate of food into the microwave. When the timer went off, I hungrily ate from the plate whilst standing in the kitchen. Then, I grabbed a jar of water from the fridge and poured myself a glass.

After eating, I went up to my room to shower and called it a night. The next morning, Miguel called me to apologize for leaving abruptly. He told me how he ran into some old friends and they decided to head out for a drink. Then he went to propose a night out of drinking and games at his place that evening to apologize for leaving me at the gallery. I accepted and that was my weekend.

Monday morning the following week, I went into the office a little hungover from all the drinking Miguel and I were up to during the weekend. Lucian called a meeting to update us on some new government policies that would affect us.

I asked him, “Affect us negatively?”

“Not necessarily. It will get us to pay more in taxes.”

He started explaining further with more details to Logan, but I zoned out of the conversation when I got a notification on my phone. It was Miguel sending me some of Valentina’s work. I started scrolling through them and saw how very talented she was. It would not hurt for me to invest in this.

I didn’t realize Lucian and Logan had focused their attention on me until I briefly looked up from my phone.

“What?” I asked.

“What are you looking at with such a smile?” Lucian asked, coming over to where I sat and looking into my phone screen.

“Artwork?” he asked, looking confused. Logan had the same look on his face too.

“Since when did you become so interested in art to the point where you look at it and smile?” Logan asked.

I shrugged, “I recently attended an exhibition. It was eye-opening to me. I’m looking to invest in the field. It’s quite lucrative.”

“Lucrative? Eye Opening? I thought these were words you reserved for technology?” Lucian asked.

“I don’t buy this story of yours. At all.” Logan said.

“Well… the artist, she uhmmm…”

“She?” Logan asked, his eyes playing with mischief. Lucian, mirroring his expression.

“Yes, she. I met her a while back. To be honest, it was a one-night stand and we recently met again and I’m trying to support her and get her to go to lunch with me as well.”

My brothers laughed out loud at my last sentence. “If you’re willing to go as far as investing in this woman’s work, I take it that you want more than lunch,” Lucian said.

“Yes, but lunch is a great start. Besides, she’s acting really cold towards me. I don’t understand it.”

“Maybe she doesn’t want you,” Logan said with a straight face and I scoffed in mockery.

“How can she not want me? That has never happened before,” I responded. They both laughed at me.

“Why do you guys keep laughing? This is serious.” I asked, frustrated at their response.

“Look, not all women want us and by us, I mean you,” Lucian said, laughing. “It’s hard to understand but it’s true.” He concluded and Logan laughed with him.

“Look man, if she’s being cold to you, just leave her alone. She’s most likely not interested in you.” Lucian said.

“Also, investing in her business to get her to talk to you is like dangling money in front of her to get her attention which she might not like and that could push her further away,” Logan added.

I exhaled loudly and considered their words. They made sense but for some reason, I couldn’t give up. It was impossible for me to give up. My brain would not allow it.

“I’ve heard you both and I’ll think about it,” I said, to end the conversation. We went on with the meeting and when I returned to my office, I called Miguel.

“Hey, man. Can you even work? I’m so hungover, it’s difficult to get any work done.” Miguel complained and I laughed.

“I’m feeling better, just got out of a meeting.”

“Ahh… the strongest of us all,” Miguel teased.