“He deserves to know. She is his daughter. You won’t be happy if someone kept something this sensitive and important from you. Especially when you have run into them a few times.”

I was quiet for a few seconds, contemplating Vivian’s words. She was right. I had to tell Leon about Ava. “I have to go back out there and continue with the event.” I finally said.

“Alright, dear. I’ll come over there as soon as I can get out of the office.” Vivian said.

“It’s fine. Thank you, Viv.”


The call ended and I went into the restroom attached to my office. After easing myself and freshening up a bit, I touched up on my makeup and went back to the exhibition hall. As I was going in, more wine was being rolled out.

From the corner of my eyes, I thought I saw Gerald, Vivian’s colleague. I looked carefully and no one that looked like him was there. I shook it off and attributed it to the fact that I was tired.

A young man in the company of someone I assumed was his father but I later found out was his boss at work approached me. They spoke about purchasing my pieces and I told them that sales of my work was done via my website. He told me he worked for a magazine and would love to interview me for their Artist of the Month column.

This information excited me, and I thanked him profusely, as I’d never been interviewed. He collected my number and was on his way. When the evening was winding down, I took a glass of wine, hit it and cleared my voice to get everyone’s attention. When I was sure everyone was listening, I started,

“Attending events like this has always been my dream. To organize one was an even bigger dream, yet here I am. Creating a space for art lovers to enjoy art in its purest form and celebrate one another is a very important part of my journey as an artist. You all made this dream a reality for me and I’m eternally grateful for it. To everyone who made this possible. My team, our honorable clients and everybody involved, I’m grateful. Thank you, once again. To more art exhibitions.” I concluded, raising my glass and everyone cheered and clinked their glasses together.



The exhibition was coming to its end when Valentina picked up a glass of wine, went to the highest point of the hall, and tried to get people’s attention. When she finally did, she gave her closing speech, and it was eloquent. I liked the way she spoke clearly and with passion.

After her closing speech, she started shaking hands and bidding farewell to the attendants of the exhibition whilst instructing her staff on some things to do. I was walking towards her when a young man went to speak to her. He made jokes that made her laugh, and I could see tired lines creasing her face and forehead.

While they laughed, I paid careful attention to her looks. She was no longer wearing the high-heeled shoes she had on earlier in the evening. Her black pant suit made her look really tall earlier in the evening, but now that I saw her standing next to that man, I realized that she might be around 5’4 or 5’5. Her hair was still brunette like three-years-ago, and unlike then, she let it flow freely down her back.

The young man finally walked away from her but by this time, the hall was practically empty. Miguel had seen some friends he knew off outside and promised to come back. I walked over to Valentina as she was staring at a young man who was packing some paintings in the corner of the hall.

“Hello, Valentina,” I said and she looked over to me.

“You’re still here?”

“Yes, I am. It was a beautiful event and I wanted to tell you that before I left,” I said.

She nodded. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

“About earlier, I wanted to apologize if I came on too strong to you. It wasn’t my intention. I know it’s been a while since we saw each other but I don’t think we should become enemies because of that.”

She remained quiet, looking at me.

“It would be nice if we could sit down for lunch sometime. Don’t you think?” I asked and she started shaking her head.

“I’m sorry, but I do not think that is a good idea. As you’ve seen here today, I am extremely busy and will not have the time.”

I chuckled. At this point, it was clear she was avoiding me and I was still unsure why. Being turned down never deterred me from anything before and it’s not about to now. I knew not to give up as I liked a challenge. But I also knew not to push it further at this time with her. She’d just had a long day.

“It’s fine, Valentina, I understand. I’ll see you some other time then. Have a good evening.” I said, turning on my heels and leaving. Ramon was outside, waiting for me. I got in the car and he said to me,

“Sir, your friend Miguel left with a group. He said he was going to give you a call.”

“Just take me home,” I responded.

The drive home was quiet and I kept turning my conversations with Valentina over and over in my mind. What could be the reason she was being this way with me? It was very unusual for a lady I’d had sexual relations with in the past to be this way. In fact, they were always warming up to me to see if we could return to our previous arrangement. Why was this different?

I didn’t realize that we had gotten home and I had to be informed by Ramon. I got into the house and went straight to my bar. Whiskey usually helped me calm down when stressed. I poured myself a shot of whiskey and poured it down my throat.